
Reads a .srt file extracting phrases, splitting the video's audio to match the phrases and export them

Primary LanguagePython


Why did it was made?

This was made to help me learning foreign languages using videos. That way, this cli reads a .srt file extracting phrases, splitting the video's audio to match the phrases and exporting them to a gave directory.

How to use it?

  1. Clone this repository;
  2. Make sure you have poetry installed;
  3. Execute poetry install inside the directory that contains pyproject.toml file.
  4. Execute poetry build inside the same directory said above.
  5. In the dist directory, install the .whl file with pip.

This will expose a video2phrases command with below options:

Usage: video2phrases [OPTIONS]

  Reads a .srt file extracting phrases, spliting the video's video to match
  the .srt phrases and export them to output_dir.

  --video TEXT       Video path
  --srt TEXT         .srt path
  --output-dir TEXT  Directory to write the audio and txt files
  --help             Show this message and exit.