
🌈 🦕 Get the decoded pixel data from a JPG or PNG image

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🌈 🦕 get_pixels

Load and decode the pixels for a PNG or JPEG image in Deno

This module will take the raw data or URL of a PNG or JPEG image and return the decoded pixels and dimensions of the image.


import { getPixels } from "https://deno.land/x/get_pixels/mod.ts";

// From a URL
const { width, height, data } = await getPixels(

// From a file

const file = await Deno.readFile("kitten.png");

const { width, height, data } = await getPixels(file);

There is also a getFormat function that will return the format of the image data. This is detected by the first magic bytes at the start of the data.

import { getFormat } from "https://deno.land/x/get_pixels/mod.ts";

const file = await Deno.readFile("kitten.png");
const format = getFormat(file);
// format === "png"


© 2023 Matt Kane. This project is MIT licensed.