
CS 230 Final project. Owned by Soham Gadgil, Sun Woo Kang, and Erick Siavichay-Velasco

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CS 230 Final Project

CS 230 Final project for Predicting Biological Age and Sex using SpatialTemporal Graph CNN for functional MRI data. Owned by Soham Gadgil, Sun Woo Kang, and Erick Siavichay-Velasco


The sex_clf branch has code for sex classification. The age_clf branch has code for binary age classification using cross entropy loss. The age_clf2 branch has code for age regression using MSELoss.

The master branch has code for getting the results of the analysis in a jupyter notebook analysis.ipynb.

For running the model, please refer to the instructions in the submodule ST-GCN from : https://github.com/yysijie/st-gcn

Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition, Sijie Yan, Yuanjun Xiong and Dahua Lin, AAAI 2018. [Arxiv Preprint]


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