This package currently contains code for coding an decoding ISO 8583 Financial Message.
- Support for 128 bits bitmap .
- Hexadecimal bitmaps.
- Mandatory fields.
The best place to understand what this library has to offer is reading the message.rb file. However, one can use it like so:
class CustomMessage < ISO8583::Message
include ISO8583
mti_format N, :length => 4
mti 100, "Authorization Request Acquirer Gateway"
mti 110, "Authorization Request Response Issuer Gateway"
bmp 2, "Primary Account Number (PAN)", LLVAR_N, :max => 19
bmp 3, "Processing Code", N, :length => 6
bmp 4, "Amount (Transaction)", N, :length => 12
bmp 5, "Amount, Reconciliation" , N, :length => 12
bmp 6, "Amount, Cardholder Billing" , N, :length => 12
bmp 65, "new bitmap", LLVAR_ANS, :max => 99
Once you've defined the fields you'll be using, then you can proceed to create your messages.
msg =
msg.mti = 100
msg[3] = 3
msg[4] = 4
msg[5] = 5
msg[6] = 6
msg[65] = 'STRING'
puts msg
MTI:100 (Authorization Request Acquirer Gateway)
003 Processing Code : 3
004 Amount (Transaction) : 4
005 Amount, Reconciliation : 5
006 Amount, Cardholder Billing : 6
065 new bitmap : STRING
iso = msg.to_b
p iso
parsed = CustomMessage.parse(iso)
puts parsed
MTI:100 (Authorization Request Acquirer Gateway)
003 Processing Code : 3
004 Amount (Transaction) : 4
005 Amount, Reconciliation : 5
006 Amount, Cardholder Billing : 6
065 new bitmap : STRING