
ruby implementation of iso 8583 financial messages

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

ISO 8583 Financial Messaging for Ruby

This package currently contains code for coding an decoding ISO 8583 Financial Message.

Include the following features:
  1. Support for 128 bits bitmap .
  2. Hexadecimal bitmaps.
  3. Mandatory fields.


The best place to understand what this library has to offer is reading the message.rb file. However, one can use it like so:

Create defs

class CustomMessage < ISO8583::Message
        include ISO8583

        mti_format N, :length => 4
        mti 100, "Authorization Request Acquirer Gateway"
        mti 110, "Authorization Request Response Issuer Gateway"

        bmp  2, "Primary Account Number (PAN)",               LLVAR_N,   :max    => 19
        bmp  3,  "Processing Code",                           N,         :length =>  6
        bmp  4,  "Amount (Transaction)",                      N,         :length => 12
        bmp  5,  "Amount, Reconciliation" ,                   N,         :length => 12
        bmp  6,  "Amount, Cardholder Billing" ,               N,         :length => 12

        bmp 65, "new bitmap", LLVAR_ANS, :max => 99

Once you've defined the fields you'll be using, then you can proceed to create your messages.

Build Message

msg = CustomMessage.new(nil)

msg.mti = 100
msg[3]  = 3
msg[4]  = 4
msg[5]  = 5
msg[6]  = 6
msg[65] = 'STRING'

puts msg


MTI:100 (Authorization Request Acquirer Gateway)

003            Processing Code : 3
004       Amount (Transaction) : 4
005     Amount, Reconciliation : 5
006 Amount, Cardholder Billing : 6
065                 new bitmap : STRING


iso = msg.to_b
p iso

Parse Message

parsed = CustomMessage.parse(iso)
puts parsed
MTI:100 (Authorization Request Acquirer Gateway)

003            Processing Code : 3
004       Amount (Transaction) : 4
005     Amount, Reconciliation : 5
006 Amount, Cardholder Billing : 6
065                 new bitmap : STRING