
erc - High Performance Programming Language

Primary LanguageC#

Note This project is discontinued and will receive no more updates.

erc Programming Language

Modern, powerful programming language for modern x64 CPUs. erc is made with performance in mind as the first and most important aspect.

Planned Features


  • Built-in vector types that utilize modern SSE/AVX CPU extensions (already implemented)
  • Type inference (no need to specify type of variable) (already implemented)
  • No "null". All variables always have a valid value (already implemented)
  • Pointers (already implemented)
  • No object orientation, though there will be structs with methods, but no inheritence and stuff like that
  • Polymorphy through simple interfaces
  • Common Code sharing through traits
  • Included support for SoA
  • Intrinsics for certain CPU instructions


  • Native compilation to executable
  • Only for modern x64 CPUs that support AVX2
  • No LLVM. The compiler creates optimized assembler code which is then passed to the awesome Flat Assembler to create the executable
  • Currently implemented in C# until the language is ready to self-compile
  • Currently only for Windows, but Linux support planned in the future
  • Maximum compilation speed (hoping to compile 1M lines of code in < 1s)


Here's an example that shows some features. Please note that the syntax is very likely to change on the road to version 1.0.

Also see example.erc for more code examples and example.out for example compiler output (abstract syntax tree, immediate code, x64 assembly).

//Entry point for application
fn main()
    //Local variable declaration with type inference (signed 64-bit integer here)
    let a = 5;
    //Declare new vectors of four 64-bit double precision floating point values
    //"vec" uses type inference to determine the specific vector type
    let v1 = vec(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
    //You can also specify the type directly. v2 will have the same type as v1.
    let v2 = vec4d(4.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0);
    //Add the two vectors component-wise. This will use CPUs AVX vector registers and instructions.
    let result = v1 + v2;
    //Vector component access by zero-based index
    let x = result.0;
    let y = result.1;
    let z = result.2;

fn pointers()
    //Allocate space for 1000 four-component 32-bit floating point vectors on the heap
    //Initializing all components to 0.0 (initialization is optional)
    //Type of "vertices" will be "vec4f*"
    let vertices = new vec4f(1000, vec(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
    //Dereference pointer to get first value
    let first = *vertices;
    //Or use index to get it
    first = vertices[0];
    //Pointer arithmetic (vec4f is 16 bytes)
    let third = *(vertices + 2 * 16)
    //Write first value using dereferencing
    *vertices = vec(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    //Write second value using index
    vertices[1] = vec(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f);
    //Need to free memory!
    del vertices;

//External function import from .dll files
fn ext("QueryPerformanceCounter", "Kernel32.dll") query_perf_counter(u64* performanceCount);