
Discord or similar?

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I was wondering if there were any ways for community interaction such as Discord. I'd love to learn more about the language and discuss more in-depth about it. I understand there's currently a small community, but I'm still interested nonetheless!

Hi. Thanks for reaching out. There is no place for discussion yet. The language is still in very early stages. On top of that, I recently got invited to take part in another project, so process on erc will be very limited in the next months. But it's a good idea and I'll set up a Discord once I can focus my efforts on erc again.

Hello ericlass,

Thank you for the response! I'll be keeping an eye out for any updates regarding erc and a Discord. I was interesting in looking at the compiler as well, as I am designing my own programming language for my senior capstone. Any features in particular that you're proud of or anything in particular to keep in mind when looking at the source?

Sure. I'll do some stuff now and then.

The one feature I really want erc to have is the built-in vector types. In GPU shader languages like GLSL you have those and all modern CPUs also have vector units. But no CPU targeting language has these supported via built-in types, at least none that I know of. Sure, in C++ you have intrinstics and the "__m128" kind of types and other do vectorization, but it's not really a core feature. So, that's the feature I see stading out.