This project was initially forked from, which was released by Tony Garnock-Jones This project is created for corresponding with the latest ejabberd and rabbitmq-server, and for some customizations which will list in README.CUSTOMIZED. Anyway, the primary document is worth reading To install this module, you should: 1 specify the ejabberd dir, which will default to /usr/loca/ejabberd if not set: make EJABBERD_DIR=[/path/to/ejabberd] 2.1 add the module dir to ejabberdctl.cfg: ERL_OPTIONS="-pa [/path/to/rabbitmq-xmpp]/ebin" or 2.2 copy the beam files to ejabberd ebin directory, in which case you will profit from the ejabberd_update function.
RabbitMQ XMPP gateway. Customized while corresponding with the latest ejabberd and rabbitmq-server.