一系列常用的工具类及数据结构集合 A collection of commonly used utility classes and data structures.
- RGB与HSL色彩空间的相互转换 Conversion between RGB and HSL color spaces
- 基于事件或基于观察者模式的消息传递机制 Message passing mechanism based on event or observer pattern
- 自动弹性布局 Automatic responsive layout
- 外部资源的队列化读取 Queued loading of external resources
- 基于OpenCV TUIO协议的多点触摸实现 Implementation of multitouch based on OpenCV TUIO protocol
- 简单的三维渲染实现 A simple implementation of 3D rendering
- 缓动的实现 Implementation of easing functions
- 以及其他小工具 And others.