Final project for CS/EE 166 (Computational Cameras)
Presentation Link:
>>> ./ -h
usage: [-h] [--task {interp_images,interp_meshes,draw_mesh}] [--nframes NFRAMES] [--fname FNAME]
src_img dst_img src_mesh dst_mesh
Draw meshes and interpolate images.
positional arguments:
src_img Path to image used as source
dst_img Path to image used as destination
src_mesh Path to mesh corresponding to src_img
dst_mesh Path to mesh corresponding to dst_img
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--task {interp_images,interp_meshes,draw_mesh}
interp_images: Interpolate between images (default).
interp_meshes: Ignore dst_img and sample interpolation from only
src_img, effectively animating the image.
draw_mesh: Select points on image to draw mesh, ignores dst_* args.
--nframes NFRAMES Number of frames to generate (default: 10)
--fname FNAME Name of generated gif and frames (default: 'result')
├── Self-contained script, see above
├── Generates visualization for presentation
├── frames Generated frames of output gif
├── input Input images (png)
├── meshes Input meshes (csv)
├── output Output (gif / png)
├── report Project proposal and report
├── slides Slides, made with reveal.js
└── visuals Visualizations for slides and and report