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CRISPRware is a comprehensive toolkit designed to preprocess NGS data and identify, score, and rank guide RNAs (gRNAs) for CRISPR experiments. It supports RNASeq, RiboSeq, ATACSeq, DNASESeq, ChIPSeq, and other genomic preprocessing techniques.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Requirements
  4. Leveraging NGS data
  5. Full Commands


With conda installed perform the following commands.

git clone https://github.com/ericmalekos/crisprware crisprware

cd crisprware

conda env create -f environment.yml

conda activate crisprware

chmod +x setup.py

./setup.py install


Input Requirements

  • FASTA File

Optional inputs

  • BED file: A BED file can be provided to specify regions of interest within the genome. This file can help to limit the search space for gRNA identification.
  • GTF/GFF file: A GTF or GFF file can be used to provide gene annotations. This information can be used to filter gRNAs based on specific genomic features such as exons or coding sequences .

CRISPRware workflow

We demonstrate usage with ce11 chromosome III fasta and NCBI GTF, included in the tests/test_data/ce11 directory:

Note the example off-target index is limited to chrIII, not the full ce11 genome

index_genome -f tests/test_data/ce11/chrIII_sequence.fasta

Default settings generate NGG protospacer guides

generate_guides -f tests/test_data/ce11/chrIII_sequence.fasta \
-k tests/test_data/ce11/chrIII_ce11.ncbiRefSeq.gtf \
--feature CDS

Scoring will take ~5 minutes and uses 8 threads by default. Change this with --threads . --tracr is either Chen2013 or Hsu2013, see RuleSet3 scoring for details

score_guides -b sgRNAs/sgRNAs.bed -i GscanIndex/GscanIndex --tracr Chen2013

Ranking is done based on scoring columns
-c is matched with -m order so this filters out RS3_score_Chen2013 < 0, specificity_gscan_index < 0.2
-p 5 65, -f CDS filters out gRNAs outside of the 5th-65th percentile of the CDS
--output_all outputs TSV and histograms for each stage of filtering in addition to the final output.

rank_guides \
-k ScoredSgRNAs/ScoredSgRNAs.tsv \
-t tests/test_data/ce11/ce11.ncbiRefSeq.gtf \
-f CDS \
-c RS3_score_Chen2013 specificity_gscan_index \
-m 0 0.2 \
-p 5 65 \
-r RS3_score_Chen2013 \


Memory requirements may be substantial in both the index_genome and score_guides steps. Guidescan2 authors provide compiled indices for some model species in the download section of their website which can be downloaded directly to avoid use of index_genome.
For score_guides we provide a parameter --chunk_size <n> which can be used to decrease memory usage by processing <n> guides at a time instead of all at once. Default setting is 100000. Increasing this number will speed up processing time and memory requirements, decreasing will slow down processing time and decrease memory requirements.

Leveraging NGS data

CRISPRware offers a series of modules to preprocess NGS data and determine suitable gRNAs for CRISPR applications.

RNASeq Guided Preprocessing

The module preprocess_annotation takes processed RNASeq TPMs from Kallisto, Salmon, FLAIR, or Mandalorian from one or more samples along with the GTF/GFF gene annotation. All processed samples should be from the same quantification tool, don't mix Salmon and Kallisto files. If multiple samples are passed, max, min, median, and mean TPM values for each transcript are determined, and the user can supply minimum cut-offs for any combination of these to filter out lowly expressed isoforms. All detected isoforms (TPM > 0) are kept by default. The user can also set an integer flag --top-n <n> which will filter out all but the most highly expressed isoform for each gene. So, --top-n 1 will retain only the gene model of the most highly expressed isoform - according to median_tpm if multiple RNA seq files are passed. There are also --tss_window and --tes_window options, which produce BED for dCas target choices. User can use these GTFs/BEDs in the generate_guides step and the rank_guides step.

preprocess_annotation -g test_data/chr19_ucsc_mm39.ncbiRefSeq.gtf \
-t quant1.sf quant2.sf quant3.sf \
--type infer \
--median 5 \
--top_n 10 \
--top_n_column median \
--model consensus metagene shortest longest \
--tss_window 300 300
--tes_window 300 300

IMPORTANT: ensure the GTF and the TPM files are have the same transcript IDs

RiboSeq Guided Preprocessing

A number of tools exists for calling translated ORFs from RiboSeq. In order to find gRNAs against these putative coding regions we can convert output from these programs into a GTF with annotated coding sequence (CDS) entries and run the pipeline normally.

For ORFs called with RiboTISH set these options in the ribotish predict command: --inframecount, --blocks, --aaseq and provide the same GTF that was passed to ribotish.

For other RiboSeq ORF callers raise a github issue and I will address it.

Full filtering options:

./scripts/gtf_from_ribotish.py -h

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r RIBOTISH, --ribotish RIBOTISH
                        Path to the Ribotish predict TSV file
  -i INPUT_GTF, --input_gtf INPUT_GTF
                        Path to the corresponding GTF file
  -o OUTPUT_GTF, --output_gtf OUTPUT_GTF
                        Path to output the new GTF file
  --min_aalen MIN_AALEN
                        Minimum amino acid length
  --min_inframecount MIN_INFRAMECOUNT
                        Minimum in-frame count
  --max_tisqvalue MAX_TISQVALUE
                        Maximum TIS Q-value
  --max_frameqvalue MAX_FRAMEQVALUE
                        Maximum Frame Q-value
  --max_fisherqvalue MAX_FISHERQVALUE
                        Maximum Fisher Q-value
  --select_based_on {AALen,InFrameCount,TISQvalue,FrameQvalue,FisherQvalue}
                        Column to select the best row for each Tid, TisType pair
  --genetype GENETYPE   GeneType to filter, must match a column entry
  --tistype TISTYPE     TisType to filter, must match a column entry

Generate guides against alternate PAMs

Default generate_guides settings are equivalent to

generate_guides \
-f <fasta> \
--pam [-p] NGG
--sgRNA_length [-l] 20
--context_window [-w] 4 6
--active_site_offset_5 [-5] "-4"
--active_site_offset_3 [-5] "-4"


All IUPAC ambiguity codes are allowed and will be automically expanded, e.g. NGG -> AGG, TGG, CGG, GGG. Note that context_window[0] extends the sequence in the 5' direction, context_window[1] in the 3' direction. active_site_offsets are calculated relative to PAM-protospacer position, and should be passed in quotes if they are negative.

For Cas12A guide selection change generate_guides settings to

generate_guides \ 
-f <fasta> \
--pam TTTV --pam_5_prime -5 19 -3 23 -l 23 -w 7 2


Here the pam is 5-prime to the protospacer so --pam_5_prime flag is set and the length is increased 23. The window is resized for compatibility with DeepCpf1 and EnPAMGB scoring and final sequence should be 34 nts long.

Additional scoring methods

For additional on-target scoring, including of Cas12A/Cpf1 guides, first install crisprScore (recommendation: install in a new conda environment). Once installed the crisprScore.R script can be used to score guides.

conda activate <crisprscore env>


	Usage: crisprscore.R <path_to_sgrna_bed_file> <method_number> <outputfile> [<additional settings> ... ] 
	Example: crisprscore.R tests/test_data/chr19_GRCm39_sgRNA.bed 2 Azimuth_scored_sgRNAs.bed
	1:  RuleSet1 - SpCas9 (Length: 30)
	2:  Azimuth - SpCas9 (Length: 30)
	3:  DeepHF - SpCas9 (Length: 23)
	4:  Lindel - SpCas9 (Length: 65)
	5:  DeepCpf1 - AsCas12a (Length: 34)
	6:  EnPAMGB - enAsCas12a (Length: 34)
	7:  CRISPRscan - SpCas9 (Length: 35)
	8:  CasRx-RF - CasRx (Length: NA)
	9:  CRISPRai - SpCas9 (Length: 22)
	10: CRISPRater - SpCas9 (Length: 20)
	11: DeepSpCas9 - SpCas9 (Length: 30)
	12: RuleSet3 - SpCas9 (Length: 30)

	Additional optional argument for chunk size:
	--chunk-size: Specify the size of chunks for processing the dataframe (optional)
	Example with chunk size: crisprscore.R tests/test_data/chr19_GRCm39_sgRNA.bed 2 Azimuth_scored_sgRNAs.bed --chunk-size 10000

	Additional settings for method 3 (DeepHF):
	enzyme: Specify the enzyme (options: 'WT', 'ESP', 'HF')
	promoter: Specify the promoter (options: 'U6', 'T7')
	Example: crisprscore.R tests/test_data/chr19_GRCm39_sgRNA.bed 3 DeepHF_scored_sgRNAs.bed WT U6

	Additional setting for method 5 (DeepCpf1):
	--no-convertPAM: Specify whether non-canonical PAMs are converted to TTTC [default: TRUE]
	Example: crisprscore.R tests/test_data/chr19_GRCm39_sgRNA.bed 5 DeepCpf1_scored_sgRNAs.bed --no-convertPAM

	Additional setting for method 12 (RuleSet3):
	--tracrRNA: Specify tracrRNA (options: 'Hsu2013', 'Chen2013')

	Example: crisprscore.R tests/test_data/chr19_GRCm39_sgRNA.bed 12 rs3_scored_sgRNAs.bed Chen2013

The output of this script should be passed to score_guides in order to properly format for rank_guides. Additional score columns will be added unless the user specifies --skip_rs3 and/or --skip_gs2.

./scripts/crisprscore.R 34_sgrnas.bed 6 EnPAMGB_sgRNAs.bed

score_guides -b EnPAMGB_sgRNAs.bed --skip_rs3 --skip_gs2

Guidescan2 is not compatible with PAMs 5' to protospacers, for off-target scoring in these cases I suggest Flash Fry

Custom off-target indices

Targeting noncoding elements can be guided by any NGS data that yields BED coordinate files. Additionally, a helper script bigwig_to_signalwindow.py can take a BED and BigWig signal file and return the window in each BED entry that has the highest mean signal.

Full Commands


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g GTF, --gtf GTF     GTF/GFF file to use for isoform filtering.
  -t [TPM_FILES ...], --tpm_files [TPM_FILES ...]
                        A list of one or more isoform quantification files
                        produced by Salmon, Kallisto or FLAIR (FLAIR outputs
                        counts, not TPMs). The first column should contain
                        only the transcript_id and should exactly match the
                        transcript_ids in --gtf. All transcript_ids in each
                        TPM file must be common across all files and must be
                        found in the GTF file.
  -f {salmon,kallisto,flair,mandalorian,infer}, --type {salmon,kallisto,flair,mandalorian,infer}
                        Specify TPM input type. 'infer' guesses the input type
                        based on the header line. [default: "infer"].
  --mean MEAN           For a given isoform, the mean tpm/count across samples
                        must be at least this to be considered, else discard
                        isoform. [default: 0.0]
  --median MEDIAN       For a given isoform, the median tpm/count across
                        samples must be at least this to be considered, else
                        discard isoform. [default: 0.0]
  --min MIN             For a given isoform, each sample must have at least
                        this tpm/count to be considered, else discard isoform.
                        [default: 0.0]
  --max MAX             For a given isoform, at least one sample must have at
                        least this tpm/count to be considered, else discard
                        isoform. [default: 0.0]
  -n TOP_N, --top_n TOP_N
                        For a given gene, rank all isoforms by median_tpm,
                        keep the top_n ranked isoforms and discard the rest.
                        '-1' to keep all isoforms. [default: -1]
  -c {median,mean,min,max}, --top_n_column {median,mean,min,max}
                        The metric by which to rank and filter top isoforms.
                        Used with '-n' to select expressed transcripts.
                        [default: median]
  -m [{metagene,consensus,longest,shortest} ...], --model [{metagene,consensus,longest,shortest} ...]
                        Whether to output 'metagene', 'consensus', 'longest',
                        'shortest' model. 'longest' and 'shortest' select, for
                        a given gene, the transcript with the longest or
                        shortest CDS, for now noncoding genes are ignored.
                        Output is always after tpm filtering has been applied.
                        Multiple entries are allowed e.g. --model metagene
                        consensus longest [default: None]
                        Pass two, space-separated, integers to specifiy the bp
                        window around the TSS as '<upstream>' '<downstream>'.
                        Strand-orientation is inferred, i.e. '<upstream>' will
                        be in the 5' direction of the TSS and <downstream> in
                        the 3' direction. e.g. --tss_window 250 150. [default:
                        Pass two, space-separated, integers to specifiy the bp
                        window around the transcription end site, TES, as
                        '<upstream>' '<downstream>'. Strand-orientation is
                        inferred, i.e. '<upstream>' will be in the 5'
                        direction of the TES and <downstream> in the 3'
                        direction. e.g. --tss_window 0 150. [default: None]
  -x  TX_TO_GENE, --tx_to_gene TX_TO_GENE
                        A TSV with transcript IDs in the first column and Gene
                        IDs in the second. The transcript IDs must match the
                        first column entries of the --quant_files. If this is
                        not provided it will be deduced from the GTF/GFF3 and
                        saved as

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FASTA, --fasta FASTA
                        FASTA file to use as a reference for index creation.
  -o OUTPUT_PREFIX, --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX
                        Prefix for output files. [default='gscan_index']
  --locations_to_keep [LOCATIONS_TO_KEEP ...]
                        List of BED/GTF files with coordinates to use for
                        index creation. These locations will be used for off-
                        target scoring. If multiple files are passed,
                        coordinates will be merged with a union operation.
                        Leave empty to use entire fasta.
  --feature FEATURE     For any GTF/GFF in '--locations_to_keep', only this
                        feature will be used for determining appropriate
                        sgRNA. The feature should match an entry in the third
                        column of the GTF/GFF. [default: 'transcript']
                        Pass two, space-separated, integers to specifiy the
                        nucleotide window around the --locations_to_keep
                        '<upstream>' '<downstream>'. This can be used to
                        expand the window around the final intervals e.g. '-w
                        1000 1500' expands chr1 2000 3500 -> chr1 1000 5000
                        Good for CRISPRi/a [default: 20 20]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FASTA, --fasta FASTA
                        FASTA file to use as a reference for sgRNA generation.
  -p PAM, --pam PAM     Protospacer adjacent motif to match. All IUPAC
                        ambiguity codes are accepted as well as standard ATCG.
                        [default: NGG]
                        Length of sgRNA to generate. [default: 20]
                        Pass two, space-separated, integers to specifiy the
                        nucleotide window around the sgRNA as '<upstream>'
                        '<downstream>'. This can be used for downstream
                        scoring, For Ruleset3 use -w 4 6 to obtain an
                        appropriate score context. [default: 4 6]
  -5 ACTIVE_SITE_OFFSET_5, --active_site_offset_5 ACTIVE_SITE_OFFSET_5
                        Where cut occurs relative to PAM 5' end. To avoid
                        error, use '=' sign when passing a negative number,
                        e.g. --active_site_offset_5=-1 [default: -4]
  -3 ACTIVE_SITE_OFFSET_3, --active_site_offset_3 ACTIVE_SITE_OFFSET_3
                        Where cut occurs relative to PAM 5' end. [default: -2]
                        To avoid error, use '=' sign when passing a negative
                        number, e.g. --active_site_offset_3=-3 [default: -4]
  -k [LOCATIONS_TO_KEEP ...], --locations_to_keep [LOCATIONS_TO_KEEP ...]
                        List of BED/GTF files with coordinates in which the
                        sgRNA desired. If the sgRNA cutsite does not intersect
                        coordinates in these files they are discarded. Leave
                        blank to keep all sgRNA. e.g. atac_peak.bed genes.gtf
  --feature FEATURE     For any GTF/GFF in '--locations_to_keep', only this
                        feature will be used for determining appropriate
                        sgRNA. The feature should match an entry in the third
                        column of the GTF/GFF. [default: 'exon']
  --join_operation {merge,intersect}
                        How to treat '--locations_to_keep' if multiple files
                        are passed. Either 'merge' or 'intersect' can be used
                        and work as described in Bedtools. If 'merge', sgRNA
                        will be kept if its cutsite intersects an entry in ANY
                        of the files, if 'intersect' the cutsite must
                        intersect an entry in EACH file. [default:
  --locations_to_discard [LOCATIONS_TO_DISCARD ...]
                        List of BED/GTF files with coordinates where sgRNA
                        should not target. If the sgRNA cutsite intersects
                        coordinates in these files the sgRNA is discarded.
                        Leave blank to keep all sgRNA. e.g. TSS.bed
  --prefix PREFIX       Prefix to use for sgRNA identifiers. [default: None]
  --gc_range GC_RANGE GC_RANGE
                        Pass two, space-separated, integers to specifiy the
                        percentile range of GC content e.g. '--gc_range 25
                        75'. [default: 0 100]
  --discard_poly_T      Whether to discard polyT (>TTT) sgRNA. Recommend True
                        for PolIII promoters [default: False]
  --discard_poly_G      Whether to discard polyT (>GGGG) sgRNA. [default:
  --restriction_patterns [RESTRICTION_PATTERNS ...]
                        Reject sgRNA with these restriction patterns. Also
                        checks 5'flank+sgRNA+3'flank, and reverse complement,
                        if provided. For multiple values, separate by space.
                        e.g. GCGGCCGC TCTAGA CACCTGC
  --flank_5 FLANK_5     include the 5' context of the lentivirus vector. Used
                        in conjunction with --restriction_patterns to remove
                        incompatible sgRNA
  --flank_3 FLANK_3     include the 3' context of the lentivirus vector. Used
                        in conjunction with --restriction_patterns to remove
                        incompatible sgRNA
  --min_chr_length MIN_CHR_LENGTH
                        Minimum chromosome length to consider for sgRNA
                        generation. [default: 20]
  --pam_5_prime         If the PAM is positioned 5' to the protospacer set
                        this flag, e.g. for Cas12a sgRNAs [default: False]
                        Whether to output bed coordinates at the active site
                        rather than the coordinates of the entire protospacer.
                        For purposes of keeping or discarding sgRNAs, overlap
                        with the active site coordinates will be used
                        regardless [default: True]
  -o OUTPUT_PREFIX, --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX
                        Prefix for output files.
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads. [default: 4]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b SGRNA_BED, --sgrna_bed SGRNA_BED
                        sgrnas.bed ouput of GenerateGuides.
  -i [GUIDESCAN2_INDICES ...], --guidescan2_indices [GUIDESCAN2_INDICES ...]
                        One or more, space-separate Guidescan2 indices. A
                        specificity score will be calculated against each
                        index separately.
  --tracr {Hsu2013,Chen2013,both}
                        TracrRNA version for cleavage scoring. Either
                        'Hsu2013' or 'Chen2013' or 'both', see
                        https://github.com/gpp-rnd/rs3 for details.
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads [default: 8]
  --threshold THRESHOLD
                        Threshold for Guidescan2 off-target hits. If off-
                        targets are found this distance away the sgRNA will be
                        discarded, i.e. set to 2 to discard any guides with a
                        0, 1 or 2 mismatches from another PAM adjacent
                        sequence. --threshold=-1 to retain all guides
                        [default: 2]
  --mismatches MISMATCHES
                        Number of mismatches for Guidescan2 off-target scoring
                        [default: 3]
  --rna_bulges RNA_BULGES
                        RNA bulges for Guidescan2 off-target scoring [default:
  --dna_bulges DNA_BULGES
                        DNA bulges for Guidescan2 off-target scoring [default:
  --mode {succinct,complete}
                        Whether Guidescan2 temporary output should be succinct
                        or complete mode [default: 0]
  --alt_pams [ALT_PAMS ...]
                        One or more, space-separate alternative pams for off-
                        target consideration. e.g. NAG
  -d, --drop_duplicates
                        Drop exact duplicate sgRNAs before scoring to save
                        time. Set flag to retain duplicates. [default: True]
  --skip_rs3            Set flag to skip RS3 scoring [default: False]
  --skip_gs2            Set flag to skip Guidescan2 scoring [default: False]
  --min_rs3 MIN_RS3     Minimum cleavage RS3 score. RS3 cleavage scores are
                        formatted as z-scores, so this is interpreted as a
                        standard deviation cutoff. Functionality also
                        available in rank_guides.py. Applying at this stage
                        can increase speed by filtering before off-target
                        scoring. [default: None]
  --chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE
                        Number of sgRNAs to hold in memory for cleavage
                        scoring and off-target filtering. Reduce if memory
                        constrained. Increasing may improve runtime [default:
  -o OUTPUT_PREFIX, --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX
                        Prefix to use for files.
  -k, --keep_tmp        Set flag to keep temporary Guidescan2 output [default:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k SCORED_GUIDES, --scored_guides SCORED_GUIDES
                        <score_guides_output>.tsv output from score_guides.
  -t TARGETS, --targets TARGETS
                        BED/GTF/GFF used to select final guides per target.
                        For GTF/GFF, set --target_mode to either 'gene' or
                        'transcript'. For BED, targets are each entry. Use '--
                        number_of_targets' to set the number of guides chosen
                        for each target.
  --target_mode {gene,tx}
                        If a GTF/GFF is used to select targets, sgRNAs can be
                        grouped at either the 'tx' or 'gene' level e.g. '--
                        target_mode gene -n 10' chooses 10 guides per gene, '
                        --target_mode tx -n 10' chooses 10 per transcript
                        [default: gene].
  -f FEATURE, --feature FEATURE
                        If GTF/GFF passed, use this feature for processing
                        e.g. 'exon', 'CDS', '5UTR', etc. The feature appears
                        in the third column of the GTF/GFF [default: CDS].
                        Allowable range of guide for each transcript and
                        feature set, e.g. '-p 60 80 -f exon' returns sgRNAs in
                        the 60th to 80th percentile of exons for a given
                        transcript. Default setting returns guides anywhere in
                        the CDS for each transcript [default: 0 100]
  -n NUMBER_OF_GUIDES, --number_of_guides NUMBER_OF_GUIDES
                        Number of guides returned per target.'-1' to keep all
                        guides [default: -1]
  --min_spacing MIN_SPACING
                        The minimum nucleotide space between guides for a
                        given target. e.g. --min_spacing 10, requires guides
                        10 nts appart. 0 to allow overlapping guides.[default:
  --output_all          Set flag to save sgRNA-target TSVs at each stage of
                        filtering rather than just the end.[default: False]
  --plot_histogram      Set flag to plot a histogram of the distribution of
                        sgRNAs per target after each filtering step. Sets '--
                        output_all' to True.[default: False]
  -c [FILTERING_COLUMNS ...], --filtering_columns [FILTERING_COLUMNS ...]
                        One or more space-separated column names used for
                        filtering. Uses raw values. e.g. '-c rs3_z_score
  -m [MINIMUM_VALUES ...], --minimum_values [MINIMUM_VALUES ...]
                        A space-separated list of minimum values for each
                        column in passed by --ranking_columns. e.g. '-c
                        rs3_z_score specificity_Hg38_index -m "-1" 0.2'
                        Default is no minimum [default: None]
  -r [RANKING_COLUMNS ...], --ranking_columns [RANKING_COLUMNS ...]
                        One or more space-separated column names used for
                        guide ranking. e.g. '-r rs3_score_Hsu2013
  -w [COLUMN_WEIGHTS ...], --column_weights [COLUMN_WEIGHTS ...]
                        A space-separated list of weight values for each
                        column in passed by --ranking_columns. e.g. '-c
                        rs3_score specificity_Hg38_index -w 1 0' Default is
                        equal weighting for all ranking columns.
  --normalize_columns   Scale ranking column values to 0 to 1 [default: True]
  -o OUTPUT_PREFIX, --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX
                        Prefix for output file