
Prototype for how to model ajax HTML partials with JavaScript dependencies

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ajax Endpoint POC

This POC was built to demonstrate a few things:

  1. Establish a pattern for how ajaxed HTML content can also load JavaScript dependencies into an app
  2. Build upon #1 and support a way of testing each API endpoint individually via e2e testing

Getting Started

nvm use # used node 18
npm ci

Run the app

npm start

Then visit http://localhost:3000/.

The demo has clickable buttons that fetch HTML partials wrapped in JSON. Each button loads the content into a different part of the page and passes custom values to the hydration function.

To run the end to end test

This demo was created with Cypress. You can run the test by running:

npm run cypress

The test itself is not that interesting. The important take way is the the same API endpoint used in the normal app is loaded into a wrapper template with its hydration logic immediately invoked. This demonstrates how you can use the same endpoint as JSON but also test each endpoint directly.