Hi! I'm a Machine Learning & Software Engineer. I'm interested in ML, web development and their useful applications to fight global warming.
Pinned Repositories
Job portal application using Django
Front office of the Aném per feina job portal. Open source project developed during Hacktoberfest 20
Web app built in Python with Pandas and Plotly Dash (Flask) for users to know their CO2 emissions given their weekly input diet, as well as analyzing CO2 emissions of several countries given their food consumption.
Analytics services for Django projects
Simple tool to update the color of a LIFX bulb based on the carbon intensity of your region using data from the electricityMap, built with Python, Javascript and Flask.
Computational Ad Hominem Detection model using word2vec, doc2vec, POS tags and a combined neural network of Bidirectional GRUs. Web demo built with Flask and VueJS.
Feature extraction using Deep Convolutional Autoencoders and image segmentation using Convolutional Neural Networks with various loss functions (Binary Cross-Entropy, Dice Coefficient) on the PASCAL dataset.
Small project to recognize faces using PCA for dimensionality reduction, and a variety of ML methods for classification (i.e. K-means, Linear SVM and K-NearestNeighbours)
Dockerized web app built with Python and VueJS for users to know their CO2 emissions given their weekly input diet, as well as analyzing CO2 emissions of several countries given their food consumption.
Smart charging of electric vehicles for maximizing PV self-consumption using Deep Reinforcement Learning. Data preprocessing was done with Pandas, data visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn, matrix manipulation with Numpy, unit testing with the Unittest python library and neural network training and testing with Keras.
ericmassip's Repositories
Smart charging of electric vehicles for maximizing PV self-consumption using Deep Reinforcement Learning. Data preprocessing was done with Pandas, data visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn, matrix manipulation with Numpy, unit testing with the Unittest python library and neural network training and testing with Keras.
Simple tool to update the color of a LIFX bulb based on the carbon intensity of your region using data from the electricityMap, built with Python, Javascript and Flask.
Small project to recognize faces using PCA for dimensionality reduction, and a variety of ML methods for classification (i.e. K-means, Linear SVM and K-NearestNeighbours)
Dockerized web app built with Python and VueJS for users to know their CO2 emissions given their weekly input diet, as well as analyzing CO2 emissions of several countries given their food consumption.
Job portal application using Django
Front office of the Aném per feina job portal. Open source project developed during Hacktoberfest 20
Web app built in Python with Pandas and Plotly Dash (Flask) for users to know their CO2 emissions given their weekly input diet, as well as analyzing CO2 emissions of several countries given their food consumption.
Analytics services for Django projects
Computational Ad Hominem Detection model using word2vec, doc2vec, POS tags and a combined neural network of Bidirectional GRUs. Web demo built with Flask and VueJS.
Feature extraction using Deep Convolutional Autoencoders and image segmentation using Convolutional Neural Networks with various loss functions (Binary Cross-Entropy, Dice Coefficient) on the PASCAL dataset.
Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django REST Framework code.
Fast KML processing for python
This repository includes the scripts necessary to run a system that will predict how many likes a picture is gonna get before being posted on Instagram, using Pandas, Numpy, OpenCV, Tensorflow and Scikit-Learn.
Repository to hold submissions to kaggle competitions
Adaptation of the game PokémonGo for university written in Java. Offering an API with access to the SQL database with the game's info of all users and deploying a web server with Jenkins with info about the user's status and game admin settings (HTML, CSS, jQuery).
Android app of the game PokEETAC written in Java. It uses Geofences to detect people approaching Profemons.
Solution for the Project 2 Image Classification of the Udacity Deep Learning course, by Eric Massip
Solution for the Project 3 Generate TV Scripts of the Udacity Deep Learning course, by Eric Massip
Solution for the Project 4 Language Translation of the Udacity Deep Learning course, by Eric Massip
Solution for the Project 5 Face Generation of the Udacity Deep Learning course, by Eric Massip
Mockup app for the WhatTheHack'19 hackathon built with Python, SQLite and VueJS, and deployed with Heroku. The app is meant to keep track of your cycling kilometers and reward you with discounts.
Beach resort information tool built as a hybrid app built with the Ionic Framework, Cordova and Typescript.
Android app that locates the wifi addresses reachable with your phone and orders them by proximity. It can help detect what floor you're in based on the building.