
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dinr - Backend

By: Eric Lantz

Week of March 28th, 2022

LinkedIn | Github

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Technology
  3. Getting Started
  4. Screenshots
  5. Future Updates
  6. Credits


Portfolio Project 2: A matching, swipe profile-style application for restaurant-goers, developed as a full-stack, M.E.R.N, application during the second unit in my Software Engineering Immersive by General Assembly.

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript
    • React - Front End
    • Node - Back End
      • Express
      • Mongoose
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Github
  • React-Tinder-Cards Library
  • React-Cookies Library

Getting Started

The React frontend of this project can be found here.

The project itself was deployed and can be viewed here.


Preview Video


Future Updates

  • Get matches by current location instead of by zipcode which is currently the case.
  • Have name of your match show up at the top of your chat with them.
  • Let restaurants send birthday rewards/offers based on birthday added on profile creation.
  • Only show bars/clubs to users that are over 21 based on birthday in profile.
  • Ability to crop images on upload to match needed size.
  • ER Diagram and Component Hierarchy Diagram Created
  • Created Development Trello
