Filament Inline Measurement System

MIT LicenseMIT


Filament Inline Measurement System for 3D Printers


  • Make a stand-alone solution which measures the cross-sectional area of filament as it is fed into your existing 3D printer
  • Run on a Raspberry Pi zero or cheaper
  • Interface with as many firmwares as possible by only passing a percent change value to the printer over i2c or serial
  • Keep the cost as low as possible
  • Throw filament runout detection in there for free

Techniques I will be trying:

  • Photo-Multigraph like mirror and camera setup.
    • Maybe just multiple of the cheapest cameras I can source instead.
  • Running the filament between latex sheets with a capacitive coating and sensor on the outside of the latex.

How to help

  • If you have any ideas or suggestions, please open an issue.
  • Donate time or money to The Open Source Appliance Foundation
    • We (well technically I) don't need funding for this project but any donations will go towards the development of other open source appliances.