
Philadelphia Indego Bicycle Stations

Primary LanguageJinja

Philadelphia Indego Bicycle Stations


I created this small website using Python Flask and PostgreSQL to take advantage of the Philadelphia RideIndego Bicycle Share program API.

I created this to familiarize myself and get comfortable with Python, as well as to have a fun personal project to learn from.

My original awareness of the existence of the Philadelphia Bike Share program came about because a bicycle share docking station was installed on the sidewalk across from my former apartment overnight, and I noticed it one morning.

I discovered that a GeoJSON API exists, which provides information about the bicycle and docks available at each of the stations on the OpenDataPhilly website:

I began graphing the data because I was very impressed by Dr. Randal Olson's blog, visualizing the data from each station:


The API end-point that I make requests to is a GeoJSON file which lists all station data:

The data is also available in GBFS format here:

Furthermore, anonymized trip data going back since the year 2005 is available on the Indego website at:


Since the API end-point returns a very large response (including every station), I have this cron job which stores a complete copy of the HTTPS JSON response from the API every ten (10) minutes in this PostgreSQL table.

  • This prevents a slow page load and response time (i.e. poor performance) on every request to my website.
  • The unfortunate side effect is that I may be showing stale data, up to ten minutes old, assuming everything is working correctly.

I have been storing the data in PostgreSQL since mid-2019 and have over 202,000 rows since that time (as of mid-2023, approx. ~4 years):

indego=# select now();
 2023-03-20 01:23:21.64833+00
(1 row)
indego=# select min(added), max(added), count(added) from indego;
              min              |              max              | count
 2019-05-01 01:00:41.994451+00 | 2023-03-20 01:20:12.854825+00 | 202027
(1 row)



The stations are mapped using their JSON GPS coordinates, in combination with Leaflet and OpenStreetMap.

The button to locate yourself on the map relies upon the JavaScript Geolocation API:


If you click on the blocky chart within one of the map marker pop-ups, you should see a new window graphing available bikes at that station for the past thirty (30) days.


The historic charts are created using a JavaScript library called Highcharts.

I was lucky enough to write a post for the Highcharts Blog at:

