
This is a lab to test zabbix monitoring with proxy, web, mail and agent using docker-compose

MIT LicenseMIT

Docker Zabbix Laboratory

Creating a basic environment to test Zabbix monitoring. Zabbix is enterprise open source monitoring software for networks and applications, created by Alexei Vladishev. (from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zabbix)


  • Tested with docker 17.03.1-ce and compose 1.14.0
  • Not designed to production environment!
  • Tcp ports 80 and 8025 are used to web interfaces (zabbix web and mailhog)

Using docker compose

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a Compose file to configure your application’s services. Then, using a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration. (from https://docs.docker.com/compose/overview)


To start this lab, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/ericogr/docker-zabbix-lab.git
cd docker-zabbix-lab

Create and start containers:

docker-compose up

after some time in console:

... (other things...)
** Database 'zabbix' does not exist. Creating...
** Creating 'zabbix' schema in MySQL
** Fill the schema with initial data
** Preparing Zabbix server configuration file

This process can take fill minutes to get ready. After some time, you can open http://localhost to access zabbix web interface

To stop and remove containers:

docker-compose down

More information about docker compose: https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/overview/

Initial configuration

Add zabbix proxy server

  1. Access web interface: http://localhost
  2. Login if you are not logged (username/password): Admin/zabbix
  3. Click Administration/Proxies
  4. Click "Create Proxy" button
  5. Fill Proxy name with "zabbix-proxy"
  6. Click Add

Configure e-mail server

  1. Access web interface: http://localhost
  2. Login if you are not logged (username/password): Admin/zabbix
  3. Click Administration/Media types
  4. Click Email to edit current e-mail settings
  5. Fill SMTP server with "mailserver" and SMTP server port with "1025"
  6. Do not touch other parameters and click Update

Zabbix lab architecture

  • zabbix agent
  • zabbix proxy
  • zabbix server
  • zabbix web server
  • mailhog
  • mariadb

Image of zabbix architecture

Zabbix web interface

web interface: http://localhost

  hostname: zabbix-web-server
  username: Admin
  password: zabbix

E-mail interface

web interface: http://localhost:8025

  hostname: mailserver

MailHog is an email testing tool for developers.

  • Configure your application to use MailHog for SMTP delivery
  • View messages in the web UI, or retrieve them with the JSON API
  • Optionally release messages to real SMTP servers for delivery

Zabbix proxy server

In active mode, uses sqlite database.

  hostname: zabbix-proxy

Zabbix server

  hostname: zabbix-proxy

Zabbix agent

  hostname: zabbix-agent


  hostname: db
  username: root
  password: admin

Initial configuration

Add zabbix proxy server

  1. Access web interface: http://localhost
  2. Login if you are not logged (username/password): Admin/zabbix
  3. Click Administration/Proxies
  4. Click "Create Proxy" button
  5. Fill Proxy name with "zabbix-proxy"
  6. Click Add

Configure e-mail server

  1. Access web interface: http://localhost
  2. Login if you are not logged (username/password): Admin/zabbix
  3. Click Administration/Media types
  4. Click Email to edit current e-mail settings
  5. Fill SMTP server with "mailserver" and SMTP server port with "1025"
  6. Do not touch other parameters and click Update


Parameters are defined in .env file:








  • After starting docker compose with command docker-compose up, at certain point, you get a message like this:
zabbix-server_1      |    172:20170623:161156.544 cannot parse autoregistration data from active proxy at "": proxy "zabbix-proxy" not found
zabbix-proxy_1       |    116:20170623:161156.544 cannot send history data to server at "zabbix-server": proxy "zabbix-proxy" not found

You need to wait zabbix server finish start

  • Some time after starting docker compose with command docker-compose up, at certain point, you get a message like this:
zabbix-server_1      |    142:20170621:001640.841 cannot parse heartbeat from active proxy at "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX": proxy "zabbix-proxy" not found
zabbix-proxy_1       |    109:20170621:001640.841 cannot send heartbeat message to server at "zabbix-server": proxy "zabbix-proxy" not found

You need to add zabbix-proxy configuration using zabbix web server.

  • Incorrect time events

***You need to specify