React To Static Html Webpack Plugin

npm install react-to-static-html-webpack-plugin


This project was created to generate a html (templates) file from your react webpack entry


You can try this package cloning the repository and accessing the folder example/

Getting Started

⚠️ every config is optional

// webpack.config.js
const ReactToHtmlWebpackPlugin = require("react-to-html-webpack-plugin");

module.exports = {
    // ...your webpack config
    plugins: [
        new ReactToHtmlWebpackPlugin({
            globals = // {custom-global-object}
            htmlHeader = // "custom => <!DOCTYPE html>";
            chunks = // custom allowed chunks => ['<my-chunk>'];
            excludedChunks = // custom excluded chunks => ['<my-chunk>'];
            postRender = // custom post render method => [(content) => content]
            keepJsFile = // keep generated js file (not just the parsed html file)
            cache = // create cache for the running build at node_modules/.cache folder (default: true)
    // ...your webpack config

Build and Test

No build needed


Commit Guidelines

My commits convention is based at AngularJs Commits Convention