
An angular component which can be used for picking date object

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This library was generated with Angular CLI version 9.0.7.

This is a simple date picker component that can be used to select date object.



Users have to add fontawsome into project to make sure the icons showd properly.

Add fontawesome script tag into index.html head.

    src="https://kit.fontawesome.com/c5f1a64c8a.js" crossorigin="anonymous">


Step 1:

Install the package as dependency

npm i @ericora/date-picker --save

Step 2:

Add Package into the module you want to use it

import {DatePickerModule} from '@ericora/date-picker';
 imports: [DatePickerModule]

Step 3:

Add the component to your page

<div><date-picker (dateChange)="urFunction($event)" [selectedDate]="dateObj" [minDate]="dateObj" [maxDate]="dateObj"></date-picker><div>

Notice: the component size will depends on its parent size, so you need create a customized tag to nest it. All Input is optional. Default [selectDay] is the current date.

The package is the very first time try to publish my personal reused component publicly. I hope it will help you and your app. Thank you.