
Simple API decoupled dependency injection

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Arthemis: IoC made simple.

Simple API decoupled dependency injection in which you can do IoC via containers, for more information, read the

Getting Started

These instructions will get you through installing and using Arthemis on your project.


Simply install using npm or yarn

npm install --save arthemis
## OR ##
yarn add arthemis


Arthemis works as a dependency repository with automatic dependency injection, this will guide you through defining and getting stuff from the repository. First, we need to import Arthemis and create a new repository.

  const arthemis = require('arthemis')
  const myRepo = arthemis();

Note that Arthemis exports you a function, that function gives you a new repository on every call.

  const arthemis = require('arthemis')
  const aRepo = arthemis();
  const anotherRepo = arthemis();

Every repository can hold it's own definers, which can vary in type:

  • Literals, that will always represent the same value.
  • Classes, classes definitions that can take resolved dependencies into it's constructor to return a new instance.
  • Singletons, classes definitions that can take resolved dependencies to return a unique instance.
  • Factories, Functions that take resolved dependencies to return a new value based on.

Defining Literals

  const arthemis = require('arthemis')
  const myRepo = arthemis();

  const me = {
    firstName: 'Artur',
    lastName: 'Muniz'

  myRepo.literal('Artur', me)

  const anotherMe = myRepo.get('Artur')

  console.log(anotherMe === me) // true

Defining Classes

  const arthemis = require('arthemis')
  const myRepo = arthemis();

  class Me {
    constructor() {
      this.firstName = 'Artur'
      this.lastName = 'Muniz'

  myRepo.class('Artur', Me)

  const me = myRepo.get('me')
  const anotherMe = myRepo.get('me')

  console.log(anotherMe === me) // false

But the true power of Arthemis is inject dependencies for you.

Defining Classes with dependencies
  const arthemis = require('arthemis')
  const myRepo = arthemis();

  class Logger {
    log(level, ...args) {
      if (level in console) {
        return console[level](...args)

  class System {
    constructor (logger) {
      this.logger = logger
    doStuff() {
      // Use this.logger here
      this.logger.log('info', 'Awesome! logger was injected <3')

  // Registred name does not need to be the class name
  myRepo.class('Log', Logger)

  // Note that 'Log' appears here, telling Arthemis that the class depends on some 'Log'
  myRepo.class('App', System, 'Log')

  const myApp = myRepo.get('App')
  myApp.doStuff() // Awesome! logger was injected <3

Defining Singletons

  const arthemis = require('arthemis')
  const myRepo = arthemis()

  // A simple in-memory database...
  myRepo.singleton('DataBase', class DataBase {
    constructor() {
    connect() {
      this.collections = {}
      return true
    save(collectionName, value) {
      const collection = this.collections[collectionName] || []
      this.collections[collectionName] = collection.concat([value])
    get(collectionName, filter) {
      const collection = this.collections[collectionName] || []
      if (filter) {
        return collection.filter(filter)
      } else {
        return collection



We organize this project roadmap using (github issues)[https://github.com/munizart/arthemis/labels/roadmap].


If you have any questions about using Arthemis on your project, please open a (new issue)[https://github.com/munizart/arthemis/issues/new].

Filing a bug

If you found a bug, please open a (new issue)[https://github.com/munizart/arthemis/issues/new].


This project is open for contributions. To suggest a new feature, please open a (new issue)[https://github.com/munizart/arthemis/issues/new]. To fix a filed bug or implementing a feature on (roadmap)[https://github.com/munizart/arthemis/labels/roadmap], please fork this project, create a new branch coitaining your code and send a pull request. If you need any guidence, you can reach us out by creating a new issue.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details