
neovim plugin for tidalcycles

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


tidal.nvim is (another) Neovim plugin for livecoding with TidalCycles


  • User commands to start/stop ghci and (optionally) SuperCollider processes in Neovim's built in terminal (see boot)

  • Send commands to the tidal interpreter using built-in keymaps

  • Write your own keymaps and functions using lua functions exported as part of the tidal.nvim api

  • Apply haskell syntax highlighting to .tidal files


Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:

eg lazy.nvim

return { 'grddavies/tidal.nvim',
opts = {
    -- Your configuration here
    -- See configuration section for defaults


  --- Configure TidalLaunch command
  boot = {
    tidal = {
      --- Command to launch ghci with tidal installation
      cmd = "ghci",
      args = {
      --- Tidal boot file path
      file = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("bootfiles/BootTidal.hs", false)[1],
      enabled = true,
    sclang = {
      --- Command to launch SuperCollider
      cmd = "sclang",
      args = {},
      --- SuperCollider boot file
      file = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("bootfiles/BootSuperDirt.scd", false)[1],
      enabled = false,
    split = "v",
  --- Default keymaps
  --- Set to false to disable all default mappings
  --- @type table | nil
  mappings = {
    send_line = { mode = { "i", "n" }, key = "<S-CR>" },
    send_visual = { mode = { "x" }, key = "<S-CR>" },
    send_block = { mode = { "i", "n", "x" }, key = "<M-CR>" },
    send_node = { mode = "n", key = "<leader><CR>" },
    send_silence = { mode = "n", key = "<leader>d" },
    send_hush = { mode = "n", key = "<leader><Esc>" },
  ---- Configure highlight applied to selections sent to tidal interpreter
  selection_highlight = {
    --- Can be either the name of a highlight group or a highlight definition table
    --- see ':h nvim_set_hl' for details
    highlight = "IncSearch",
    --- Duration to apply the highlight for
    timeout = 150,



tidal.nvim provides a pair of Ex commands, :TidalLaunch and :TidalQuit, which start and stop TidalCycles processes. By default, only a session of ghci running the BootTidal.hs script provided by this plugin is run.

If boot.sclang.enabled is true, then a session of sclang is run. Please ensure that the command sclang correctly starts an instance of SuperCollider when executed in the terminal. By default on macOS, this appears to require something like the following shell script saved as sclang someplace in your path.

cd /Applications/SuperCollider.app/Contents/MacOS
./sclang "$@"


tidal.nvim provides five configurable keymaps in .tidal files, which are used to send chunks of TidalCycles code from the file to the Tidal interpreter:

  • send_line sends the current line

  • send_line sends a contiguous block of nonempty lines

  • send_node sends the expression under the cursor

  • send_visual sends the current visual selection

  • send_silence accepts a count (see :h count) sends d<count> silence to tidal, silencing the pattern. By default, with no count, d1 is silenced.

  • hush sends "hush"


tidal.nvim also exposes some useful functions to roll your own keymaps or Ex functions

-- A daft example of using the tidal.nvim api to make noise
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("InstantGabber", function()
  local tidal = require("tidal")
  --- Send a message to tidal
  tidal.api.send("setcps (200/60/4)")
  --- Send a multiline message to tidal
  local drums = {
    "d1 $ stack [",
    's "gabba*4" # speed 0.78,',
    's "<[~ sd:2]*4!3 [sd*4 [~ sd]!3]>",',
    's "~ hh:2*4"]',
  tidal.api.send('d2 $ "amencutup*8" # irand 32 # crush 4 # speed (5/4)')
  tidal.api.send('d3 $ s "rave" + speed "[3 2 3 2] [4 3 4 2]" # end (slow 2 (tri * 0.7))')
end, { desc = "Make gabber happen fast" })

see api.lua for the full list



See the tidal website for full details

  • ghc installation with tidal installed

  • SuperCollider with SuperDirt


To use the send_node mapping, which is based on treesitter, you must have the treesitter parser for haskell installed.


Contributions to the Neovim Tidalcycles Plugin are welcome! If you have ideas, bug fixes, or enhancements, please submit them as issues or pull requests
