
Handle camel/snake/dash case conversion

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This gem lets your API users pass in and receive camelCased or dash-cased keys, while your Rails app receives and produces snake_cased ones.


  1. Add this to your Gemfile and then bundle install:

     gem "olive_branch", git: 'https://github.com/ericproulx/olive_branch.git'

Use Rails

The middleware will be automatically added through Railtie

Include a X-Key-Inflection header with values of camel, dash, or snake in your JSON API requests.


# config/initializers/olive_branch.rb
OliveBranch.configuration do |config|
  config.camelize = # your camelize function ( Default: string.underscore.camelize(:lower))
  config.dasherize = # your dasherize function ( Default: string.dasherize)
  config.content_type_check = # your content type check function ( Default: 'application/json')
  config.default_inflection = # if you don't want to include the header key in every request, you can default an inflection
  config.header_key = # your header key ( Default: HTTP_X_KEY_INFLECTION )

OliveBranch is released under the MIT License. See MIT-LICENSE for further details.

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