
HUPMon: Serial Terminal Hangup Detection

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


HUPMon is a tool created to detect terminal hangups on configurations where it is not possible and/or practical to detect disconnects using hardware (e.g. DTR, CTS, etc.). It does this by transmitting an ANSI escape sequence requesting a Cursor Position Report (CPR). If HUPMon receives a response, the terminal is considered online, but if there was no response, the terminal is considered offline and a hangup signal is sent to the COMMAND. When using one-shot mode, there are three strings that HUPMon may print: "DEVICE_STATUS_UNKNOWN", if there was an error while attempting to query the terminal; "DEVICE_ONLINE", if there was a response to the query; and "DEVICE_OFFLINE" if there was no response.

HUPMon was developed for use with a DEC VT101 terminal owned by the author. The VT101 only supports software-based flow control using XON and XOFF control characters. With flow control disabled, the terminal quickly gets overloaded at any transmission speed above 2400 baud turning the screen into a garbled mess, so HUPMon was designed with support for software flow control. By using "-f", hangup detection can be disabled, and HUPMon will act as a flow control-aware proxy for programs that have no XON/XOFF support (i.e. tmux) or poor support (i.e. GNU Screen).

Here's what happens when loading GNU Screen on a VT101:

GNU Screen on a VT101

Here's what happens when loading GNU Screen on a VT101 under hupmon -f:

GNU Screen on a VT101 inside of "hupmon -f"

Currently only Linux is supported, but support for macOS, FreeBSD and OpenBSD will be considered in the future.


If Make is installed, running make will build an executable named "hupmon". The default CC and CFLAGS variables are defined for Clang/LLVM; adjust them accordingly or uncomment out the alternative definitions.

Running make install will copy the hupmon binary and login.sh to $(BIN) which defaults to "/usr/local/bin". The login.sh script is installed as using a more specific name, "hupmon-login.sh". This script is designed to act as a replacement for agetty(8). For more information about the script run ./login.sh --help. An additional target named "configure-systemd" is also available which will setup systemd unit files that use HUPMon to manage serial terminals. The terminals that will have services installed is controlled by the "HUPMON_MANAGED_TTYS" Make variable which is a list of basename of terminals under "/dev/".

The HUPMon command, login script and systemd units can be removed with make uninstall.


hupmon [-1fh] [-r SECONDS] [-t SECONDS] [COMMAND [ARGUMENT]...]

hupmon --help

Options (and Defaults)


One-shot mode; immediately query the terminal to determine if it is online and print the status to standard output. It is an error to specify a command when using this mode.

-F PATH ("/dev/tty")

Path of the terminal character device.


Enable flow-control-only mode. When this option is used, the terminal will never be queried to check if it is online, and HUPMon just acts as proxy between hardware that depends on software flow control and programs that either have poor implementations or none at all.


Hangup monitoring mode; run a command and periodically query the terminal to see if it is still online. If the terminal is offline, the subprocess will be sent a SIGHUP.

-r SECONDS ("0.200")

Reply timeout in seconds; this is the total amount of time HUPMon will wait for a reply from the terminal after submitting a query. If flow control is enabled and the terminal responds with XOFF to temporarily suspend transmission, the deadline will be extended by 100 milliseconds. This value must be at least 10 milliseconds (0.01). If HUPMon reports that a terminal is offline when it is not, it may not be responding to the query fast enough, and increasing this value may resolve the issue.

-t SECONDS ("10")

This is the threshold of terminal inactivity in seconds before a query is sent. If the terminal is not offline, HUPMon will wait the same amount of time before submitting another query. This value must be at least 1 second.

Environment Variables

  • HUPMON_PID: Set to HUPMon's PID.
  • HUPMON_TTY: Set to the path of HUPMon's controlling terminal.


  • Act as a flow control agent between GNU Screen and a terminal:

    $ hupmon -f screen
  • Start a Bash login shell. The terminal will be polled after 60 seconds of inactivity, and Bash will be sent a SIGHUP if the terminal appears to be offline:

    $ exec hupmon -t 60 bash -l