Simplified use of Material UI visual components with data
and columns
For examples of <MuiTable>
in action, see demo or view the source
Note: 1.x.x
version based on react-virtualized is now available as mui-virtualized-table
Property | Type | Required | Default | Description |
data |
array | ✓ | Data to render using defined columns |
columns |
array | ✓ | Defines the columns in the table. Column format: {'name', 'header', 'onHeaderClick', 'cell', cellProps }name : Name of headerheader : (optional) Name to display instead 'name'onHeaderClick : (optional) Callback when header is clicked on (has precendence over onHeaderClick on tablecell : (optional) Callback for rendering associated column cell data. Passes the row data for the associated cell. |
rowProps |
object or func | Pass initial props to TableRow to all rows (header or body)(ex. cellProps={{ padding: 'dense' }} ). Specifying same property within the column definition cellProps will override. Can also be a function which is passed column, rowData similiarly to onCellClick |
headerRowProps |
object or func | Identical to rowProps , but only passed to rows in the TableHead |
bodyRowProps |
object or func | Identical to rowProps , but only passed to rows in the TableBody |
cellProps |
object or func | Pass initial props to TableCell to all cells (header or body)(ex. cellProps={{ padding: 'dense' }} ). Specifying same property within the column definition cellProps will override. Can also be a function which is passed column, rowData similiarly to onCellClick |
headerCellProps |
object or func | Identical to cellProps , but only passed to cells in the TableHead |
bodyCellProps |
object or func | Identical to cellProps , but only passed to cells in the TableBody |
includeHeaders |
bool | false | Add header row to top of data. Useful to also set fixedRowCount to 1 |
onHeaderClick |
func | Called with column definition of header clicked on. Useful to set sort data and set orderBy and orderDirection |
onCellClick |
func | Called with column definition and row data when non-header cell is clicked on (ex. onCellClick={(column, data) => alert(data[])} ) |
pagination |
object | If defined, will add pagination to bottom of table and pass props to Material-UI's TablePagination component. Must set count , onChangePage , page , and rowsPerPage if defined. |
addPlaceholderRows |
boolean | false | Will add additional rows to keep page sizes consistent. Useful when using pagination and you want to reduce the height on non-full pages (will move paginator on different length results) | |
orderBy |
string | If defined, will show column's header with matching name using TableSortLabel |
orderDirection |
string | 'desc' | The order of the sort direction |
Running Storybook
This project has some storybook stories.
To run storybook, you have to install the story dependencies first:
$ cd stories
$ yarn install
$ cd ..
Then use yarn to run the storybook
$ yarn storybook