Devoloped with Swift4 using Clean Code
I'm using Pods in this project. You don't need to install it, they are inside the repo
- Don't open .xcodeproj file, open xcworkspace instead. Otherwise, you will come across different compiling issues.
- The speech recognizer might not work on a iOs simulator 😅. Try using your own iPhone
- SpeechRecognizer to listen to user questions
- Created and configured a Natural Language Recognition application
- Speech to
- Retrieve information from
- Retrieve the current location
- Query to a Forecast API
- Retrieve the Forecast information
- Displays the forecast information from his given question
- Displays a message from his given question
- Pulsator
- ObjectMapper
- Alamofire
- CRNotifications
- ALLoadingView
- Multiple language
- Multiple metric (km/h -> mi/h, ...)