
An example of using cbindgen to call Rust code from C.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

cbindgen demo project

If you're new to Rust FFI, or if you're using cbindgen for the first time, it may take a few attempts to get things right.

If you're lazy like me, you might want to start with a sample project, already set up for staticlib, panic="abort", and a working build.rs.

This is a simple Rust library, with a few constants and data structures that can be used from C code. It also includes a C program that calls some of that library's functions.

This version includes Rust std library support. If you want a no_std library, check out cbindgen-demo. There is also a version that adds alloc support without the full std library: cbindgen-alloc-demo.

How to build it:

> cargo build --release
> gcc -O2 -Wl,--gc-sections -pthread main.c target/release/libdemo.a -ldl -o demo
> strip demo
> ./demo