VLDB Summer School 2022


This is the labs of VLDB Summer School 2022, which contains some experiments about learning-based optimizer.


There are 4 labs in this course.

  • Lab 1, learning-based cardinality estimation.
  • Lab 2, learning-based cost estimation.
  • Lab 3, integration with a realistic Database(TiDB).
  • Lab 4, an end-to-end cardinality and cost estimator.

You need to fill some missing code in order to complete these labs.


The details of classroom usage can be found in the classroom doc.

The Assignment link is 'https://classroom.github.com/a/6StbajGD'

If you don't use GitHub classroom, just fork this repo, work in your repo, you will not have a score.

Getting started

First, please study theclassroom doc and clone the repository with git to get the source code of the project.

git clone https://github.com/vldbss-2022/vldbss2022-{{username}}.git

Then make sure you have installed python toolchains.

For the other matters needing attention, we will introduce them in detail in each lab.