
Congress Project

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

The Congressional Twitter Project

This project is an attempt at creating a Twitterbot for Congressional advocacy. It works in three phases:

Phase 1: Get a list of all current Members of Congress that includes their social media handles.

Phase 2: Build a following list for a user from the Members of Congress twitter handles.

Phase 3: Follow the Twitter stream for the user and on a tweet event where the text-body matches a line-delimited list, have the user's account retweet the Member of Congress' account.

Change log: 2014.3.4.1618 Updated README file and added source for the stream and retweet module. Verrified all source was well commented and working.

2014.3.1.2328 First commit. Source works. Still need to check all friends against the congressDB to ensure that information is updated and that only current Members are being followed.