Ansible Collection - ericsysmin.kubernetes

Ansible collection that holds roles, that can be used to configure common kubernetes services.


Role Build Status Documentation
kubectl ericsysmin.kubernetes.kubectl
kompose ericsysmin.kubernetes.kompose


You can find specific to each role within the "Documentation" link for each role. However, most should be in this format.

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Include role
        name: ericsysmin.kubernetes.<role_name>
        var1: value1
        var2: value2


Testing is done through GitHub Actions, and can be tested locally as well. GitHub Actions can be located here. Each workflow pertains to a single role, and can be launched locally using the following command:

MOLECULE_COMMAND={{ matrix.molecule_distro.command }} \
MOLECULE_DISTRO={{ matrix.molecule_distro.distro }} \
molecule --debug test -s {{ matrix.collection_role }}

To decide on the MOLECULE_COMMAND value please refer to the .github/workflow/{{ collection_role }}.yml file as it will have the value for proper kubernetesd services.