
The most comprehensive ES code style guide.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Canonical ESLint Config

Travis build status NPM version

Canonical is the most comprehensive code style guide. It consists of more than 800 rules, some of which are custom written for Canonical (e.g. eslint-plugin-jsdoc, eslint-plugin-flowtype).

The goal of the Canonical style guide is to reduce noise in code version control and promote use of the latest ES features.


This package includes the following configurations:


  "extends": [

Versioning Policy

All breaking changes will bump the major version as per the semver convention. Therefore, every new rule addition will increase the major version.

Table of comparison

This is how Canonical ruleset compares to other popular configurations.

Rule Canonical Airbnb Google Standard
@typescript-eslint/@typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/adjacent-overload-signatures error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/array-type error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/await-thenable error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/ban-tslint-comment error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/ban-types off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/consistent-indexed-object-style error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/member-delimiter-style error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/member-ordering off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/method-signature-style error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/naming-convention error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-array-constructor error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-base-to-string error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-confusing-non-null-assertion error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-confusing-void-expression error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-duplicate-imports error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-extra-non-null-assertion error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-extra-semi error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-extraneous-class error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-for-in-array error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-implicit-any-catch warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-inferrable-types error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-invalid-void-type error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-misused-new error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-namespace error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-asserted-optional-chain error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-parameter-properties error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-require-imports error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-this-alias error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-type-alias off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-qualifier error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-arguments off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-constraint error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-as-const error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-enum-initializers error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-function-type error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-includes error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-literal-enum-member error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-namespace-keyword error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-readonly error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-readonly-parameter-types off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-reduce-type-parameter error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-regexp-exec error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-string-starts-ends-with error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/prefer-ts-expect-error error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/promise-function-async error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/require-array-sort-compare error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/sort-type-union-intersection-members error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/switch-exhaustiveness-check error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/type-annotation-spacing error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/typedef off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/unbound-method error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
@typescript-eslint/unified-signatures error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
accessor-pairs error 🚨 off N/A 👻 error 🚨
array-bracket-newline off off off N/A 👻
array-bracket-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
array-callback-return error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
array-element-newline error 🚨 off off N/A 👻
arrow-body-style error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
arrow-parens error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻
arrow-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
ava/assertion-arguments error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/hooks-order error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/max-asserts warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-async-fn-without-await error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-cb-test error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-duplicate-modifiers error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-identical-title error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-ignored-test-files error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-import-test-files off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-incorrect-deep-equal error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-inline-assertions error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-invalid-end error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-nested-tests error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-only-test error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-skip-assert error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-skip-test error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-statement-after-end error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-todo-implementation error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-todo-test warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/no-unknown-modifiers error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/prefer-async-await error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/prefer-power-assert off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/prefer-t-regex error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/test-ended error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/test-title error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/use-t error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/use-t-throws-async-well error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/use-t-well error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/use-test error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
ava/use-true-false error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
babel/new-cap off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
babel/no-invalid-this error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
babel/object-curly-spacing error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
babel/valid-typeof error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
block-scoped-var error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
block-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
brace-style error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
callback-return N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
camelcase off error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
capitalized-comments off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
class-methods-use-this error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
comma-dangle error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
comma-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
comma-style error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
complexity error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
computed-property-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
consistent-return error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
consistent-this error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
constructor-super error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
curly error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
default-case off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
default-case-last N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 error 🚨
default-param-last N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
dot-location error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
dot-notation error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
eol-last error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
eqeqeq error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
filenames/match-exported error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
filenames/match-regex error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
filenames/no-index off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/arrow-parens error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/boolean-style error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/define-flow-type warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/delimiter-dangle error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/generic-spacing error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/newline-after-flow-annotation error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/no-existential-type off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/no-flow-fix-me-comments warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/no-mixed error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/no-mutable-array error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/no-primitive-constructor-types error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/no-types-missing-file-annotation error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/no-unused-expressions off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/no-weak-types error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/object-type-delimiter error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/require-compound-type-alias warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/require-exact-type warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/require-inexact-type error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/require-parameter-type off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/require-readonly-react-props error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/require-return-type off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/require-types-at-top error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/require-valid-file-annotation error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/require-variable-type off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/semi error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/sort-keys off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/space-after-type-colon error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/space-before-generic-bracket error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/space-before-type-colon error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/spread-exact-type off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/type-id-match error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/type-import-style error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/union-intersection-spacing error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
flowtype/use-flow-type warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
for-direction error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-arguments error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-class error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-delete error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-events error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-get-set error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-let off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-loops off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-mutating-assign error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-mutating-methods off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-mutation off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-nil off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-proxy error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-rest-parameters off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-this error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-throw off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-unused-expression off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
fp/no-valueof-field error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
func-call-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
func-name-matching error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
func-names off warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻
func-style error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
function-call-argument-newline N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
function-paren-newline error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
generator-star-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
getter-return N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
global-require N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
grouped-accessor-pairs N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
guard-for-in error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻
handle-callback-err error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
id-blacklist N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
id-denylist N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
id-length warn ⚠️ off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
id-match error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
implicit-arrow-linebreak error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/default error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/dynamic-import-chunkname N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/export error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
import/exports-last error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/extensions error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/first error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
import/group-exports off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/imports-first N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/max-dependencies off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/named off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/namespace error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/newline-after-import error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-absolute-path error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
import/no-amd error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-anonymous-default-export off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-commonjs error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-cycle error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-default-export off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-deprecated warn ⚠️ off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-duplicates error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
import/no-dynamic-require off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-extraneous-dependencies error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-internal-modules off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-mutable-exports error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-named-as-default error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-named-as-default-member error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-named-default error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
import/no-named-export off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-namespace error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-nodejs-modules off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-relative-parent-imports off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-restricted-paths off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-self-import error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-unassigned-import error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-unresolved error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-unused-modules N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-useless-path-segments error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/no-webpack-loader-syntax error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
import/order error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/prefer-default-export off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
import/unambiguous warn ⚠️ off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
indent error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
init-declarations off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/no-alias-methods error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/no-conditional-expect error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/no-deprecated-functions error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/no-disabled-tests error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/no-done-callback error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/no-focused-tests error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/no-identical-title error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/no-interpolation-in-snapshots error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/no-jasmine-globals error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/no-truthy-falsy error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/prefer-expect-assertions error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/prefer-spy-on error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/prefer-to-contain error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/valid-expect error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jest/valid-title error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsdoc/check-param-names warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsdoc/check-tag-names warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsdoc/check-types warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsdoc/newline-after-description warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsdoc/require-description off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsdoc/require-hyphen-before-param-description off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsdoc/require-param off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsdoc/require-param-description off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsdoc/require-param-name error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsdoc/require-param-type off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsdoc/require-returns-description off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsdoc/require-returns-type off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/accessible-emoji N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/alt-text N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/aria-activedescendant-has-tabindex N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/aria-props N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/aria-proptypes N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/aria-role N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/aria-unsupported-elements N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/autocomplete-valid N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/control-has-associated-label N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/heading-has-content N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/html-has-lang N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/iframe-has-title N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/img-redundant-alt N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/interactive-supports-focus N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/label-has-for N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/lang N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/media-has-caption N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/mouse-events-have-key-events N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/no-access-key N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/no-autofocus N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/no-distracting-elements N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/no-interactive-element-to-noninteractive-role N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-element-interactions N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-element-to-interactive-role N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-tabindex N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/no-onchange N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/no-redundant-roles N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/role-has-required-aria-props N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/role-supports-aria-props N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/scope N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-a11y/tabindex-no-positive N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
jsx-quotes error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
key-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
keyword-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
line-comment-position error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
linebreak-style error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻
lines-around-comment error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lines-around-directive error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lines-between-class-members error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
lodash/callback-binding warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/chain-style warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/chaining warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/collection-method-value warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/collection-ordering error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/collection-return warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/consistent-compose warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/identity-shorthand warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/import-scope off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/matches-prop-shorthand warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/matches-shorthand warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/no-commit warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/no-double-unwrap warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/no-extra-args warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/path-style off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-compact warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-constant off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-filter warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-find error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-get warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-immutable-method error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-includes warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-invoke-map off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-is-nil warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-lodash-chain warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-lodash-method off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-lodash-typecheck warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-map warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-matches warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-noop off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-over-quantifier warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-reject warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-startswith off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-thru warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-times warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prefer-wrapper-method warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/preferred-alias warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/prop-shorthand warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
lodash/unwrap warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
max-classes-per-file N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
max-depth N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
max-len warn ⚠️ error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻
max-lines N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
max-lines-per-function N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
max-nested-callbacks warn ⚠️ off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
max-params N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
max-statements N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
max-statements-per-line error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
mocha/max-top-level-suites error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
mocha/no-exclusive-tests error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
mocha/no-exports error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
mocha/no-hooks-for-single-case warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
mocha/no-identical-title error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
mocha/no-nested-tests error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
mocha/no-return-and-callback error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
mocha/no-return-from-async error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
mocha/no-setup-in-describe error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
mocha/no-top-level-hooks error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
multiline-comment-style off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
multiline-ternary off off N/A 👻 error 🚨
new-cap off error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
new-parens error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
newline-after-var off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
newline-before-return error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
newline-per-chained-call off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-alert error 🚨 warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-array-constructor off error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-async-promise-executor error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-await-in-loop off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-bitwise N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-buffer-constructor error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-caller error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-case-declarations error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-catch-shadow error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-class-assign error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-compare-neg-zero error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-cond-assign error 🚨 error 🚨 off error 🚨
no-confusing-arrow error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-console error 🚨 warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-const-assign error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-constant-condition warn ⚠️ warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-constructor-return N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-continue off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-control-regex error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-debugger warn ⚠️ error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-delete-var error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-div-regex error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-dupe-args error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-dupe-class-members error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-dupe-else-if N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-dupe-keys error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-duplicate-case error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-duplicate-imports off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-else-return off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-empty error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-empty-character-class error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-empty-function off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-empty-pattern error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-eq-null error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-eval error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-ex-assign error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-extend-native error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-extra-bind error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-extra-boolean-cast off error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-extra-label N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-extra-parens error 🚨 off N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-extra-semi off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-fallthrough error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-floating-decimal error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-func-assign error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-global-assign error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-implicit-coercion error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-implicit-globals off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-implied-eval error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-import-assign N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-inline-comments error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-inner-declarations error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-invalid-regexp error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-invalid-this off off error 🚨 N/A 👻
no-irregular-whitespace error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-iterator error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-label-var error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-labels error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-lone-blocks error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-lonely-if error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-loop-func error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-loss-of-precision N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-magic-numbers off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-misleading-character-class error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-mixed-operators N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-mixed-requires off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-multi-assign N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-multi-spaces error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-multi-str error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-multiple-empty-lines error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-native-reassign error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-negated-condition error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-negated-in-lhs error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-nested-ternary error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-new error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-new-func error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-new-object error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-new-require N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-new-symbol error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-new-wrappers error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-nonoctal-decimal-escape error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-obj-calls error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-octal error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-octal-escape error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-param-reassign error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-path-concat N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-plusplus N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-process-env N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-process-exit N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-promise-executor-return N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-proto error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-prototype-builtins N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-redeclare error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-regex-spaces error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-restricted-exports N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-restricted-globals off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-restricted-imports N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-restricted-modules off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-restricted-properties off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-restricted-syntax off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-return-assign error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-return-await off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-script-url error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-self-assign error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-self-compare error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-sequences error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-setter-return N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-shadow error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-shadow-restricted-names error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-spaced-func error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-sparse-arrays error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-sync off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-tabs error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-template-curly-in-string error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-ternary off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-this-before-super error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-throw-literal error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-trailing-spaces error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-undef error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-undef-init error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-undefined off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-underscore-dangle off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-unexpected-multiline error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-unmodified-loop-condition error 🚨 off N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-unneeded-ternary error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-unreachable warn ⚠️ error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-unreachable-loop N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-unsafe-finally error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-unsafe-negation error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-unsafe-optional-chaining error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-unused-expressions error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-unused-labels N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-unused-vars off error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
no-use-before-define off error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-use-extend-native/no-use-extend-native error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-useless-backreference N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-useless-call error 🚨 off N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-useless-catch error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-useless-computed-key error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-useless-concat error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-useless-constructor error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-useless-escape error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-useless-rename error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-useless-return error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-var error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 warn ⚠️
no-void error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-warning-comments warn ⚠️ off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
no-whitespace-before-property error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
no-with error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
node/global-require off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
node/handle-callback-err N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 error 🚨
node/no-callback-literal N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 error 🚨
node/no-deprecated-api N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 error 🚨
node/no-exports-assign N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 error 🚨
node/no-missing-import off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
node/no-new-require N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 error 🚨
node/no-path-concat N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 error 🚨
node/process-exit-as-throw N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 error 🚨
nonblock-statement-body-position error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
object-curly-newline error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
object-curly-spacing off error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
object-property-newline error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
object-shorthand error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
one-var error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
one-var-declaration-per-line error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
operator-assignment error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
operator-linebreak error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
padded-blocks error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
padding-line-between-statements off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
prefer-arrow-callback error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
prefer-const error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
prefer-destructuring off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
prefer-exponentiation-operator error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
prefer-named-capture-group off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
prefer-numeric-literals error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
prefer-object-spread N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
prefer-promise-reject-errors error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
prefer-reflect off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
prefer-regex-literals N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 error 🚨
prefer-rest-params error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻
prefer-spread error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻
prefer-template off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
promise/always-return error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
promise/avoid-new off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
promise/catch-or-return error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
promise/no-callback-in-promise off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
promise/no-native off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
promise/no-nesting off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
promise/no-new-statics error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
promise/no-promise-in-callback off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
promise/no-return-in-finally error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
promise/no-return-wrap error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
promise/param-names error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 error 🚨
promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
promise/prefer-await-to-then warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
promise/valid-params error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
quote-props error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
quotes error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
radix error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react-hooks/exhaustive-deps warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react-hooks/rules-of-hooks error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/boolean-prop-naming off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/button-has-type error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/default-props-match-prop-types error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/destructuring-assignment off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/display-name off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/forbid-component-props error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/forbid-dom-props off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/forbid-elements off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/forbid-foreign-prop-types off warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/forbid-prop-types off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/function-component-definition N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-boolean-value error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-child-element-spacing off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-closing-bracket-location off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-closing-tag-location off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-curly-brace-presence off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-curly-newline error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-curly-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-equals-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-filename-extension off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-first-prop-new-line error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-fragments error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-handler-names error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-indent error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-indent-props error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-key N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-max-depth N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-max-props-per-line error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-no-bind error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-no-duplicate-props error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-no-literals off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-no-script-url N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-no-target-blank error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-no-undef error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-no-useless-fragment N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-one-expression-per-line off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-pascal-case error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-props-no-multi-spaces error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-props-no-spreading off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-sort-default-props error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-sort-prop-types N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-sort-props error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-space-before-closing N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-tag-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-uses-react warn ⚠️ error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-uses-vars warn ⚠️ error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/jsx-wrap-multilines off error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-access-state-in-setstate error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-adjacent-inline-elements N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-array-index-key error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-children-prop error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-danger error 🚨 warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-danger-with-children error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-deprecated error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-did-mount-set-state error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-did-update-set-state error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-direct-mutation-state error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-find-dom-node error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-is-mounted error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-multi-comp error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-redundant-should-component-update error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-render-return-value N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-set-state error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-string-refs error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-this-in-sfc error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-typos error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-unescaped-entities error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-unknown-property error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-unsafe error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-unused-prop-types error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-unused-state error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/no-will-update-set-state error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/prefer-es6-class error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/prefer-read-only-props warn ⚠️ off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/prefer-stateless-function error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/prop-types error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/react-in-jsx-scope error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/require-default-props error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/require-optimization N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/require-render-return error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/self-closing-comp error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/sort-comp error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/sort-prop-types error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/state-in-constructor error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/static-property-placement error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/style-prop-object error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
react/void-dom-elements-no-children error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
require-atomic-updates N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
require-await off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
require-jsdoc off off error 🚨 N/A 👻
require-unicode-regexp N/A 👻 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
require-yield error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
rest-spread-spacing N/A 👻 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
semi error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
semi-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
semi-style error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
sort-imports off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
sort-keys off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
sort-keys-fix/sort-keys-fix error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
sort-vars error 🚨 off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
space-before-blocks error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
space-before-function-paren error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
space-in-parens error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
space-infix-ops error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
space-unary-ops error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
spaced-comment error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
strict error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
switch-colon-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻
symbol-description error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
template-curly-spacing N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
template-tag-spacing error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
unicode-bom error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
unicorn/better-regex error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/catch-error-name error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/consistent-function-scoping warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/custom-error-definition off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/empty-brace-spaces error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/error-message error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/expiring-todo-comments error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/explicit-length-check off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/filename-case off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/import-index error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/new-for-builtins error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-abusive-eslint-disable error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-array-instanceof error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-console-spaces off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-fn-reference-in-iterator off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-for-loop error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-hex-escape error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-lonely-if error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-nested-ternary off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-new-buffer error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-null off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-object-as-default-parameter error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-process-exit off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-reduce error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-unreadable-array-destructuring off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-unused-properties warn ⚠️ N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-useless-undefined off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/no-zero-fractions error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/number-literal-case error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/numeric-separators-style error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-add-event-listener off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-array-find error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-dataset error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-date-now error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-event-key error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-flat-map error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-includes error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-math-trunc error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-modern-dom-apis error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-negative-index off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-node-append error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-node-remove error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-number-properties error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-optional-catch-binding error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-query-selector error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-reflect-apply error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-replace-all off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-set-has off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-spread off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-starts-ends-with error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-string-slice error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-ternary off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-text-content error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-trim-start-end error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prefer-type-error error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/prevent-abbreviations error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/string-content off N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
unicorn/throw-new-error error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
use-isnan error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
valid-jsdoc off off error 🚨 N/A 👻
valid-typeof N/A 👻 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
vars-on-top error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 N/A 👻
wrap-iife error 🚨 error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨
wrap-regex off off N/A 👻 N/A 👻
yield-star-spacing N/A 👻 error 🚨 error 🚨 error 🚨
yoda off error 🚨 N/A 👻 error 🚨