
A semi-objective prompt testing framework

Primary LanguageTypeScript

LangTest (WIP)

LangTest is a semi-objective prompt testing framework that uses a frozen model (gpt-3.5-turbo-0301) and/or regular expressions to verify certain aspects of a given prompt’s responses.

Example Usage

You can run the following snippet by running npm run start from the root directory

const evaluationOptions : EvaluatorOptions = {
  prompt: [
      role: "user",
      content: "List me some red and yellow fruits"
  predicates: [
      id: "Were apples mentioned?",
      type: "prompt",
      content: "Does the following text contain the word 'apple'?"
      id: "Was the exact word 'Banana' mentioned?",
      type: "regexp",
      content: ".*Banana.*"
  numTrials: 10,
  updateHandler: (update) => {
    console.log(`Applying "${update.predicateId}" to "${update.targetResponse}"`);
    console.log(`response ${update.didPass ? "passed" : "failed"}`)

const openAiApiKey = "OPEN_AI_API_KEY";
const model : OpenAIModel = 'gpt-3.5-turbo';
const maxTokens = 100;

const evaluator = new OpenAiEvaluator(openAiApiKey, model, maxTokens, evaluationOptions);
evaluator.evaluate().then((results) => console.log(results));


  "Was the exact word 'Banana' mentioned?": 4,
  'Were apples mentioned?': 9

Note: Be mindful of the OpenAI rate limits

This example creates a new OpenAIEvaluator object and runs an evaluation of the OpenAI model specified by model. The evaluation generates responses using the input prompt provided, and applies two predicates to each response to determine whether the response contains the word "apple" and whether it matches the regular expression ".banana.". The evaluation is run 10 times, and the results are printed to the console.


A Command Line Interface (CLI) to evaluate OpenAI models based on a set of user-defined predicates.


This CLI requires Node.js version 14 or higher.

To install, clone the repository and then run the following command within the cloned directory:

npm install


To run the CLI, use the following command from the root directory:

node dist/index.js

The CLI options are as follows:

  • -k, --apiKey <apiKey> (required): The OpenAI API key.
  • -m, --model <model> (required): The OpenAI model.
  • -n, --numTrials <numTrials> (required): Number of trials to run.
  • -p, --targetPrompt <targetPrompt> (required): The target prompt to test the model with.
  • -e, --predicates <predicates> (required): Predicates (in JSON format). Example format: '[{"type": "prompt", "id": "1", "content": "Is the output a number?"}]'.
  • -t, --maxTokens <maxTokens> (required): The maximum number of tokens to generate in the response.

Example usage:


# Playground

## OpenAIEvaluator

The `OpenAIEvaluator` is a class used for evaluating the responses of an OpenAI model against a set of predefined predicates. It uses the OpenAI API to generate responses, and applies a set of predicates to each response to determine whether the response is valid or not.

### Importing

The `OpenAIEvaluator` class can be imported as follows:

import { OpenAiEvaluator } from "./OpenAIEvaluator";


The OpenAIEvaluator class has the following constructor:

    openAiApiKey: string,
    model: OpenAIModel,
    maxTokens: number,
    options: EvaluatorOptions
  • openAiApiKey: A string representing the OpenAI API key associated with the account used to access the model.
  • model: An instance of the OpenAIModel class representing the model to use.
  • maxTokens: An integer representing the maximum number of tokens to generate for each response. This parameter is used by the OpenAI API to control the length of the response generated.
  • options: An instance of the EvaluatorOptions interface representing the options to use when running the evaluation. This interface is defined as follows:
interface EvaluatorOptions = {
  readonly prompt: Message[];
  readonly predicates: Predicate[];
  readonly numTrials: number;
  readonly updateHandler?: (update: EvaluationUpdate) => void;
  • prompt: An array of Message objects representing the messages to use as a prompt for generating responses.
  • predicates: An array of Predicate objects representing the predicates to use for evaluating responses.
  • numTrials: An integer representing the number of times to evaluate the model (i.e. generate a response and apply the predicates).
  • updateHandler (optional): A function that will be called with an EvaluationUpdate object every time a predicate is applied to a response. This function can be used to monitor the progress of the evaluation.


The OpenAIEvaluator class has the following methods:


async evaluate(): Promise<Record<string, number>>

This method generates responses using the OpenAI API and applies the set of predicates to each response. It returns a dictionary containing the number of times each predicate passed.

This method applies the "prompt" type of predicate to a response. It takes a string prompt representing the prompt to use for generating the response, and a string inputPromptResponse representing the response to which the prompt is being applied. It returns a boolean indicating whether the predicate passed or failed.