
A language of polynomials.

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A Language of Polynomials

Each slide can be formalized even further as their own research paper but presenting in this manner allows my ideas to give intuitive bearing so that it gives people from various backgrounds to come up with their own theories, ideas, and applications. On the other hand, this is also a formalized proof in my style of construction. The working version can be found here. This article is on the reframing of the one way function to a matrix multiplication problem - that of multiplying two 3x3 matrices to form a 6x6 matrix under a locally concatenative property.

1. Foundations



2. Monomial of One Variable

Monomial of One Degree

3. Addition


4. Product


5. Problem with Matrices

Problem with Matrices

6. Multivariable Polynomials

Multivariable Polynomials

7. Generalized Monomial Deciders

Generalized Monomial Deciders

8. Concentric Monomial Deciders

Concentric Monomial Deciders

9. Constants


10. Division


11. Multiple Divisions

Multiple Divisions

12. Equivalence


13. Reversing


14. Corollary of Reversing

Corollary of Reversing

15. Godel's Theorem

Godel's Theorem

16. Constructing The One Way Function

Constructing The One Way Function

17. Infiniteness



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