
Special texture for decompiled output?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Need special texture to skip back faces(produced by decompiler) and generate nodes/clipnodes and other only for front face.

No special texture for this? :(

It's planned, but not implemented yet (skip still generates nodes/clipnodes.)
I'm thinking I'll add a tool texture called expand or fill or something that gets deleted (no node/clipnodes/faces) so effectively the brush expands outwards there.

@ericwa in another compile tools SKIP texture make brush passable without any clipnodes

I tried VHLT

VHLT's semantics of SKIP are similar to Quake II, not Quake 1. In Quake, SKIP is simply nodraw solid. In Quake II, "skip" is only useful on hint brushes, and when used on non-hint brushes it effectively removes that brush side from compilation which can cause strange artifacting on the resulting BSP since the brush is allowed to stretch to infinity.