
🎩 Search through, copy, and open Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) Success Criterion (SC) using Alfred

MIT LicenseMIT

Alfred WCAG Workflow

The term 'wcag 1.3' entered into Alfred's quick launcher text input. Six WCAG success criterion results are listed, with the first result highlighted. The first result is 1.3.1 Info and Relationships. The second result is 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence. The third result is 1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics. The fourth result is 1.3.4 Orientation. The fifth result is 1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose. The sixth result is 1.3.5 Identify Purpose. Screenshot.

This Alfred Workflow allows you to search through Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Success Criterion (SC), and then copy a link to the selected SC to your clipboard or open its Understanding page in your default browser.

The Workflow uses WCAG 2.2, which is the current W3C Recommendation at the time of this Workflow's last published update.

How to install this Workflow

Requires Alfred and the Alfred Powerpack.

  1. Download the latest release from this repo.
  2. Open the wcag.alfredworkflow file wherever your browser saves downloaded files.
  3. Activate the "Install" button on the import prompt displayed after opening the .workflow file.

How to use this Workflow

  1. Type wcag, the Workflow filter keyword, and then Space.
  2. Begin typing either the SC's number (ex: 2.5.3) or its title (ex: label in name). The Workflow's results will update as you refine your query.
  3. Take action on a result by highlighting it in the Alfred command palette results and using one of the following interactions:
    • Enter/click: Copy the SC's number, name, and link to its Understanding page as a HTML link.
    • Option + Enter: Copy the SC's Understanding page URL to the clipboard.
    • Command + Enter: Open the SC's Understanding page URL in the default browser.

How to report a problem with this Workflow

Submit an issue to the GitHub issue tracker using the bug report issue template.

How to suggest new features and functionality for this Workflow

Submit an issue to the GitHub issue tracker using the feature suggestion issue template.

Features I would like help with

  • Figuring out why the SC's title (ex: Label in Name) is not part of the fuzzy match if a number is not included.
  • Opening the base WCAG 2.1 URL when no filter keyword is entered and Enter is pressed.
  • Logic for showing a custom icon for each of the four POUR categories (Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, Robust).


Why isn't this Workflow listed in the official Alfred Workflow Gallery or Packal?

I mainly use this Workflow for my job, and do not have the resources to provide full-blown community support. Hopefully the Workflow in its current form is helpful to you if you find yourself needing something like this.

Can you make a Raycast extension?

Migrating from Quicksilver to Alfred was enough work on its own. I'm not really interested in uprooting things again for another quick launcher.

Will you update this when WCAG updates?

I am hoping to be either retired or dead by the time WCAG 3.0 is published, but will otherwise support WCAG updates.

Thank you

Thank you to Wayne Elgin for his help with how JavaScript and Alfred Workflow syntax intersect.

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This Workflow is licensed using the MIT License.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines content are copyright ® W3C. W3C liability, trademark and document use rules apply.