
CS:GO Update Notification Tool - Receive notifications to a slack channel and/or telegram chat when a new game update is found.

Primary LanguagePython


  1. ValvePython Steam package (https://github.com/ValvePython/steam)
  2. SlackClient version <= 1.3.1 (pip install slackclient==1.3.1) (https://github.com/slackapi/python-slackclient)
  3. Telegram Python Wrapper for Telegram notifications. (https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot)

How to use

  1. Place the tool in a new directory
  2. Edit the bot token, channel name, and alert message in slack_alerts.py
  3. Edit the webhook URL, avatar URL, username and message in discord_alerts.py
  4. Edit the bot token, chat token and message in telegram_alerts.py
  5. Start the script in the background with: python csgo_update_notifier.py &
  6. You may choose to run the script with nohup, which will ignore the hangup signal similar to using &, but will allow you to log stdout and stderr to a nohup.out log file in the project directory: nohup python csgo_update_notifier.py &


This script was made for the /r/GlobalOffensive mod team, to alert us in Slack if a new CS:GO update was spotted. It uses the ValvePython Steam package by logging in to the steam network anonymously, retrieving the product info for CS:GO, and storing it in a Python dictionary. After accessing the public depot's buildID (['depots']['branches']['public']['buildid']), it compares this ID to the ID stored in cache.json to determine if there's a newer version of the game.

For more verbose logging, you can change level=logging.INFO at the bottom of csgo_update_notifier.py to level=logging.DEBUG.

You will need to register an app on your Slack and copy the token you're given to past into the SlackClient('Token') line in slack_alerts.py.

For discord_alerts.py, you will need a webhook URL for the channel you wish to send alerts to. Username can be anything you want.

To get Telegram alerts working, you will need to create a Telegram bot and either add it to an existing group chat, or create a new one for it. Once you have created your bot and added it to a group chat, supply the bot token and ChatID in telegram_alerts.py on lines 5 and 6, respectively. To find the ChatID of the group chat you've added the bot to, go to: https://api.telegram.org/bot<YourBOTToken>/getUpdates.

In the response you're given, look for the chat object. The id pertaining to the chat object that corresponds to the correct group chat will be the ChatID that you need to enter in the telegram_alerts.py script. If your bot is currently assigned to multiple group chats, or if you just created a new group chat for the bot, you may need to send a message or two from your personal client (not the bot) so that it will display in the response from the above URL.