Date Difference

How to build

In project directory:

  • MAC
$ ./gradlew clean build
  • Windows
$ gradlew.bat clean build

Artifact is built into build/libs folder


  • Pairs of dates in the following format

How to run

java -jar <path-to>/date-diff.jar


  • Limit input range of dates from 1900 to 2010
  • End date is exclusive on calculation of date difference
  • If first date is later than the second, difference is displayed in negative

Test data

2 1 1900, 30 12 2010
2 1 1900, 30 12 2010, 40539
08 01 2000, 07 03 2000
08 01 2000, 07 03 2000, 59
1 2 2000
More or less than 2 dates input
1 2 2000, 1 3 3 2000
More or less than 3 arguments to form a date
29 2 1999, 1 3 1999
Day 29 is out of range [1 - 28]
1 3 1999, 28 2 1999
1 3 1999, 28 2 1999, -1
abc 1 2000, 1 2 2000
Cannot convert to date