
DEPRECATED: see https://github.com/ericyd/pa11y-reporter and https://github.com/ericyd/visual-regression

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This has been split into two repositories. They were too loosely connected to justify one repo.

  1. https://github.com/ericyd/pa11y-reporter
  2. https://github.com/ericyd/visual-regression

Old Docs

WCAG Visreg

A set of scripts to automate accessibility testing (aiming at WCAG Level 2.0 AA compliance) and visual regression ("visreg") testing


Node 8+ (for util.promisify)


git clone https://github.com/ericyd/wcag-visreg
cd wcag-visreg
npm install

This is more of a boilerplate than a stand-alone module, but with a little configuration it can do a lot of work for you.

If you want to save screenshots, be aware that the .gitignore ignores the screenshots directory by default


Ideally, the only thing you should have to touch is the config.js file in the directory root.

After that, you have some scripts to choose from:

  • npm t: runs all test scripts, see running tests for more details
  • npm run cleanup: deletes any captured screenshots and html
  • npm run capture: captures screenshots and/or html
  • npm run wcag: runs accessibility audit and renders report
  • npm run compare: compares images from config.screenshots.actual to config.screenshots.expected and tests for similarity
  • npm run open: opens the reports

Adding expected images

Run: npm run capture:expected

This script will run through all pages in the config.js file and save them to config.screenshots.expected.

By contrast, the script npm run capture will save screenshots to config.screenshots.actual.

Running tests

npm t

This will do the following:

  1. Delete HTML and screenshots that were saved during the last test run
  2. Capture screenshots and HTML from the pages specified in config.js
  3. Compare screenshots in config.screenshots.actual to config.screenshots.expected and fail any that do not match
  4. Run an accessibility audit using pa11y on the saved HTML files and generate an issues report

When the test script is done, you can run npm run open to quickly open the reports.


Most of the manual adjustments should happen in the config.js file in the directory root.

These are all the possible options

  • browsers <string[]>

    An array of browsers to use in the tests. Full options in documentation.

    Note that you can use Chrome and Firefox in headless mode with chrome:headless and firefox:headless

  • skipScreenshots <boolean> Default: false

    When truthy, do not capture or compare screenshots

  • skipWCAG <boolean> Default: false

    When truthy, do not capture page HTML or run accessibility audit

  • screenshots <object>

    Options for saving and comparing the screenshots

    • expected <string>

      Directory for expected screenshots - the baseline to compare against

    • actual <string>

      Directory for actual testrun screenshots

    • diff <string>

      Directory for resulting diff images

    • threshold <number> Default: 0.1

      Point at which image diff will fail. Higher threshold results in fewer failures (more pixels must be different in order to fail).

  • singlePage <string> | <Object>

    Specify a single page to test. If specified, this will skip all public and auth pages

    If singlePage is public, just provide a string identifying the URL.

    If singlePage is an authenticated page, provide an object with most of the properties from auth: baseURL, loginURL, un, pw (see below for details)

  • public <Object>

    Define properties for public pages


    • baseURL <string>

      Path segments will be appended to the baseURL to generate the page under test

    • paths <string[]>

      Path segments to indicate which pages to visit. Include '' to include the baseURL

    • skip <boolean> Default: false

      When true, public pages will not be tested

  • auth <Object>

    Define properties for authenticated pages


    • baseURL <string>

      Path segments will be appended to the baseURL to generate the page under test

    • loginURL <string>

      Page to visit to log in before navigating to authenticated page. If ommitted, auth.baseURL will be used

    • un <Object>

      Properties for username entry

      • selector <string>

        CSS selector to indicate the username form element

      • value <string>

        Username for authentication

    • pw <Object>

      Properties for password entry

      • selector <string>

        CSS selector to indicate the password form element

      • value <string>

        password for authentication

    • paths <string[]>

      Path segments to indicate which pages to visit. Include '' to include the baseURL

    • skip <boolean> Default: false

      When true, authenticated pages will not be tested

  • resolutions <number[][]>

    An array of two-element arrays defining [width, height] of screen resolutions for screenshot capture


     	[1920, 1080],
     	[1600, 900],
     	[1440, 900],
     	[1440, 1024],
     	[1366, 768],
     	[1280, 1024],
     	[1280, 800],
     	[1024, 768],
     	[768, 1024],
     	[320, 480]
  • getHTMLFromClient <boolean Default: true

    When truthy, will get html from the client. Better when testing client-rendered content

    NOTE: authenticated paths MUST get HTML from client. Setting to false will not work. If you only need to test public paths and you do not need to test client-rendered content, you can comment this out or set to false in config.js.


These scripts contain almost 0% original content. They make extensive use of the following libraries (also feel free to check out the package.json);

  • TestCafe: Browser automation, screenshot capture
  • pa11y: Accessibility testing
  • pixelmatch: image diffing (tells if screenshots match);
    • Note: I personally prefer the output diffs from blink-diff but pixelmatch is about 2-10 times faster so I chose that. You can refer to this commit if you want to see an implementation that uses blink-diff.
  • mocha: test runner
  • mochawesome: excellent report generator with ability to inline image results