
Obligatory social app for a hackathon.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Unnamed Social App, live @ http://contacts.michellebu.com

Hackathon game plan

  • Start off with Facebook. (2 hours)
  • Add GVoice. (1 hour)
  • Add Twitter. (2 hours)
  • Add GMail. (3 hours)
  • Write a Mini Saga. (All day)


  • Last chatted with.
  • Extract subject chatted about.
    • If successful, show subject.
    • Otherwise, 'You last said "..." to ___ on xx/xx/xx'
  • Create contact list with cute queries like:
    • 'Who can I ask for a favor from?'
    • 'Who would it be unweird to give gifts to?'
    • 'Who should I invite to my next party?'
    • 'Who has been ignoring me?' -- unanswered messages, wall posts, etc.
  • Mobile web.
  • Notifications.
  • (Extra) pretty graphs.
