
This package will turn your svg icons from Figma into React components, just in a few seconds. Use the default settings or customize it to your need.


Not yet available

Usage example

See the Figma file used in the example here

Using the API

import { generate } from "figma-icons-to-react";

const report = await generate({
  output: "packages/components/icon",
  figma: {
    fileId: "27uD8MSTL7eqo9pQYSIYnM",
    frames: ["1:2"],
    token: process.env.FIGMA_TOKEN,

Using the CLI

The CLI does not provide as exhaustive configuration options as the API. You would use the CLI like this

generate-icons --output "packages/components/icon" --token "<your-figma-token>" --file-id "27uD8MSTL7eqo9pQYSIYnM" --frames "1:2"


Both the API and CLI will in these exmples produce Alert.tsx, DotMenu.tsx, Icon.types.ts and index.ts in packages/components/icon

If we look closer at the generated files, they look like this:


import * as React from "react";

import { IconProps } from "./Icon.types";

export const DotMenu = React.forwardRef<IconProps, React.SVGElement>(
  ({ color = "currentColor", size = 24, ...props }, ref) => {
    return (
        viewBox="0 0 24 24"
        <circle cx="12" cy="12" r="8.5" stroke="#4F4F4F"></circle>
        <circle cx="8" cy="12" r="1" fill="#4F4F4F"></circle>
        <circle cx="12" cy="12" r="1" fill="#4F4F4F"></circle>
        <circle cx="16" cy="12" r="1" fill="#4F4F4F"></circle>

DotMenu.displayName = "DotMenu";


import * as React from "react";

export interface IconProps extends React.SVGAttributes<React.SVGElement> {
  color?: string;
  size?: string | number;


export { DotMenu } from "./DotMenu";
export { Alert } from "./Alert";



The API takes an object as configuration which looks like this

output: string;
figma: {
  fileId: string;
  frames: string[];
  token: string;
component?: {
   * Defaults to `pascalCase(name)`
  name?: (name: string) => Promise<string>;
  size?: number;
  namePrefix?: string;
  nameSuffix?: string;
  template?: (parameters: ComponentTemplateParameters) => Promise<string>;
   * Defaults to
   * ```
   * size?: string | number;
   * color?: string;
   * ```
  props?: Record<string, any>;
  propTypes?: PropType[];
   * Defaults to `Icon.types.ts`
  typesFile?: string;
  attributes?: Record<string, any>;
   * Default to `24`
  beforeTemplate?: (svgContent: string) => Promise<string>;
  beforeWrite?: (svgContent: string) => Promise<string>;
 * Preferrably used with `jsx`
typeDeclaration?: boolean | "force";
 * Defaults to `true`
typescript?: boolean;
prettierConfig?: string;
eslintConfig?: string;
Option Description
output The directory which files will be outputted to
figma See Figma configuration
component See component configuration
typeDeclaration Flag whether to generate an index.d.ts file or not.
typescript Flag whether to generate TypeScript files or not
prettierConfig Path to prettier config. Will be used in formatting the files
eslintConfig Path to eslint config. Will be used in formatting the files

Figma configuration

Option Description
fileId The Figma file id you want to generate from
frames The Figma frames, also known as a "file node ids"
token You personal access token from Figma. Preferably saved in your env

Component configuration

Option Description Default
name Name generator function for the name of the icon component PascalCase
size The default size of the icon 24
namePrefix Will be added as a prefix to the name. Use the name function for more control
nameSuffix Same as namePrefix, except it will be added as a suffix to the name
template A template generator function when you need more control over the generated component. See templates/component.template.ts
props An object of props that will be used for the component See defaultProps in templates/component.template.ts
propTypes An array of types that will be generated when using TypeScript See defaultPropTypes in templates/types.template.ts
typesFile The file which interfaces will be generated See Icon.types.ts
attributes An object of attributes See defaultAttributes in templates/component.template.ts
beforeTemplate A function that will be invoked before the component is generated from the template
beforeTemplate A function that will be invoked before the file is written. Can be useful if you want to optimize the svg before generating the component. Should return the new file content
beforeWrite A function that will be invoked before the file is written. Should return the new file content

Component template function parameters

Option Description
name Name of the component
props Component props
attributes Component attributes
innerContent This is the inner content of the <svg>. Useful when you want to define the svg tag explicitly
size The specified default icon size
raw Raw HTML from Figma
typesFilePath The file for types. Used for import component interface
config The config file you've specified

Type declaration template function parameters

Option Description
icons Array of icons with their name
propTypes An array of prop types. See templates/types.template.ts for usage
config The config file you've specified

Component types template function parameters

Option Description
propTypes An array of prop types. See templates/types.template.ts for usage
config The config file you've specified