
Build the calibre installers, including all dependencies from scratch

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Build the calibre installers, including all dependencies from scratch

This repository contains code to automate the process of building calibre, including all its dependencies, from scratch, for all platforms that calibre supports.

In general builds proceed in two steps, first build all the dependencies, then build the calibre installer itself.


First you need a bootstrapped copy of the calibre source code. This means either untar the official calibre source distribution tarball, or checkout calibre from github and run python setup.py bootstrap.

Then set the environment variable CALIBRE_SRC_DIR to point to the location of the calibre source code. For example, if you untarred the calibre source tarball into: /usr/src/calibre-src then set the environment variable as:

export CALIBRE_SRC_DIR=/usr/src/calibre-src

The code in this repository is intended to run on linux.

To make the linux calibre builds, it uses a chroot to do the builds.

To make the Windows and OS X builds it uses VirtualBox VMs. Instructions on creating the VMs are in their respective sections below.


To build the 64bit and 32bit dependencies for calibre, run:

./linux 64
./linux 32

The output (after a very long time) will be in build/linux/[32|63]

Now you can build calibre itself using these dependencies, to do that, run:

CALIBRE_SRC_DIR=/whatever ./linux 64 calibre
CALIBRE_SRC_DIR=/whatever ./linux 32 calibre

The output will be build/linux/[32|64]/dist/calibre-*.txz which are the linux binary installers for calibre.


You need a VirtualBox virtual machine of OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) named osx-calibre-build. To setup OSX inside the VM, follow the steps

  • Turn on Remote Login under Network (SSHD)
  • Create a user account named kovid and enable password-less login for SSH for that account (setup ~/.ssh/authorized_keys)
  • Setup ssh into the VM from the host under the name: osx-calibre-build
  • Setup passwordless sudo in the Virtual Machine for the user account kovid
  • Install XCode (version 6.2 is the latest that runs on Mavericks). Download from https://developer.apple.com/download/more/ Note that installing only the command line tools is not sufficient as Qt requires the full XCode.
  • Run sudo mkdir -p /calibre /scripts /sources /sw /patches && sudo chown kovid:staff /calibre /scripts /sources /sw /patches

Now that the VM is ready, you can start building. To build the dependencies for calibre, run:


The output (after a very long time) will be in build/osx

Now you can build calibre itself using these dependencies, to do that, run:

CALIBRE_SRC_DIR=/whatever ./osx calibre

The output will be build/osx/dist/calibre-*.dmg which is the OS X binary installer for calibre.


You need a VirtualBox virtual machine of Windows 7 64bit named win-calibre-build. To setup the VM, follow the steps

* Install Visual Studio Community Edition 2015 with all the C++ development
  tools, including XP support. Be sure to start Visual Studio at least
* Install cmake: https://cmake.org/download/
* Install perl: http://www.activestate.com/activeperl
* Install ruby: http://rubyinstaller.org/
* Install python2: https://www.python.org/downloads/
* Install SVN: http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html
* Install nasm.exe:  http://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/2.11/win32/nasm-2.11-win32.zip
* Install git: https://git-scm.com/download/win
* Install Wix: http://wixtoolset.org/releases/
* Ensure that all the above tools are in PATH so that they can be run in a
  command prompt using just their names.
* Create the folders: C:\sw64 C:\sw32 C:\sources C:\patches C:\scripts C:\calibre C:\t
* Take the ucrtbase.dll and `api-ms*.dll` files from a calibre install and
  put them into c:\ucrt\x86 and c:\ucrt\x64 folders for 32-bit and 64-bit

Now you need to install cygwin and setup ssh access.

* Install cygwin, with the: vim, dos2unix, rsync, openssh, unzip, wget, make, zsh, bash-completion, curl
* Edit /etc/passwd and replace all occurrences of /bin/bash with /bin/zsh (in
  a cygwin prompt)
* Setup a password for your windows user account
* Follow the steps here:
  http://pcsupport.about.com/od/windows7/ht/auto-logon-windows-7.htm to allow the
  machine to bootup without having to enter the password

* The following steps must all be run in an administrator cygwin shell, to
  enable SSH logins to the machine

* First clean out any existing cygwin ssh setup with::
    net stop sshd
    cygrunsrv -R sshd
    net user sshd /DELETE
    net user cyg_server /DELETE (delete any other cygwin users account you
    can list them with net user)
    rm -R /etc/ssh*
    mkpasswd -cl > /etc/passwd
    mkgroup --local > /etc/group
* Assign the necessary rights to the normal user account (administrator
  cygwin command prompt needed - editrights is available in \cygwin\bin)::
    editrights.exe -a SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege -u kovid
    editrights.exe -a SeCreateTokenPrivilege -u kovid
    editrights.exe -a SeTcbPrivilege -u kovid
    editrights.exe -a SeServiceLogonRight -u kovid
* Run::
  And answer (yes) to all questions. If it asks do you want to use a
  different user name, specify the name of your user account and enter
  username and password 
* On Windows XP, I also had to run::
    passwd -R
  to allow sshd to use my normal user account even with public key
  authentication. See http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/ntsec.html for
  details. On Windows 7 this wasn't necessary for some reason.
* Start sshd with::
    net start sshd
* See http://www.kgx.net.nz/2010/03/cygwin-sshd-and-windows-7/ for details

To build the 64bit and 32bit dependencies for calibre, run:

./win 64
./win 32

The output (after a very long time) will be in build/win/[32|64]

Now you can build calibre itself using these dependencies, to do that, run:

CALIBRE_SRC_DIR=/whatever ./win 64 calibre
CALIBRE_SRC_DIR=/whatever ./win 32 calibre

The installers will be in build/win/[32|64]/dist