
Theme Tools website containing tools for generating colors and working with theme hooks on ServiceNow Next Experience

Primary LanguageHTML

This repo hosts the "Theme Tools" website, which contains a bunch of... tools. Tools for making themes and using theme hooks in components.

Develop locally

Clone the repo, npm install, then run:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. Hot module reloading is enabled, so pages you're editing will refresh automatically when you save changes to the source code.

Deploy to Github Pages

After merging changes to the master branch run:

npm run deploy

Commit all the changes to the out/ directory and push to Github master branch.

Deploy to dokku

After merging changes to the master branch run:

npm run dokku-deploy

The command will take a little while. Once it is done you won't have anything to commit — the updated site will be available on http://theme.deoprototypes.com.