
Small utility to generate error pages to be served statically (it has darkmode)

Primary LanguageShell


What's this?

it's an art project

no really it's a tool that generates error pages to be served statically using:

  • shell scripting
  • gnu sed
  • tailwindcss (because i don't know css and should be shamed for it)

it uses the 3 languages i speak for errors just for the sake of it. you may change the text so that i matches languages you care about.


I use traefik for my routing needs (which is mostly overkill, but i learned how to use it before caddy was a thing). Traefik can proxy to an error page when it detects an HTTP error on connetion is was serving, if you setup the proper middleware for it (which was a pain, why do they make it so hard to have nice things). I built this to have standardised errors pages on the multiple servers i run.

get going

  1. set the variables in gen.sh so they match the name of your pretend organisation (the way i do with potate.space)
  2. check that errors.tsv contains the kind of errors you want to display, among with what strings you want to use
  3. run yarn && yarn gen:css && yarn gen:html or docker build . if you have docker
  4. profit, the files to serve are in dist in your working directory or in /var/www/htdocs/ in the resulting container; the container can be started as is, and will serve your error pages with darkhttpd (that i love dearly and use everywhere)

can i use this?

if i sent it to you, you may

don't know if i will figure out licensing for this project as it has no inherant value

~ Élise