
Backend para organizador de séries. Construído a partir de erijonhson/rails-api-sketch.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Series List

Steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

  • Ruby 2.4.0 and Rails 5.0.6 version
  • System dependencies
    • postgresql with pg 0.18
    • server with puma 3.0
    • CORS with rack-cors
    • Integration for windows infos with tzinfo-data
    • Authentication with devise and devise_token_auth
    • JSON serialization with active_model_serializers
  • Configuration
    • To install all dependencies, run:
      bundle install
    • Configure /config/database.yml with correct username and password
    • For create the database, run:
      rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:schema:load db:test:prepare db:test:load
  • For the test suite, run:
    bundle exec spring rspec --format=d
  • Services
      Series API
          GET /api/v1/series
              when no filter param is sent
              returns status code 200
              returns 5 series from database
          GET /api/v1/series/:id
              returns status code 200
              returns the json for serie
          POST /api/v1/series
              when the params are invalid
                  returns status code 422
                  returns the json error for imdb
                  doesn't saves the serie in the database
              when the params are valid
                  assigns the created serie to the current user
                  returns the json for created serie
                  returns status code 201
                  saves the serie in the database
          PUT /api/v1/series/:id
              when the params are valid
                  updates the serie in the database
                  returns the json for updated serie
                  returns status code 200
              when the params are invalid
                  returns the json error for imdb
                  returns status code 422
                  doesn't updates the imdb in the database
          DELETE /api/v1/series/:id
              removes the task from the database
              returns status code 204
      Users API
          PUT /api/v1/auth
              when the request params are valid
                  returns status 200
                  returns json data for the updated user
              when the request params are invalid
                  return status 422
                  return json data for the errors
          DELETE /api/v1/auth
              returns status 200
              removes the user from database
          GET /api/v1/auth/validate_token
              when the request headers are valid
                  returns the user id
                  returns status 200
              when the request headers are invalid
                  returns status 401
          POST /api/v1/auth
              when the request params are invalid
                  returns json data for the errors
                  returns status 422
              when the request params are valid
                  returns json data for the created user
                  returns status 200
      Sessions API
          POST /api/v1/auth/sign_in
              when the credentials are correct
                  returns the authentication data in the headers
                  return status code 200
              when the credentials are incorrect
                  return status code 401
                  returns the json data for the errors
          DELETE /api/v1/auth/sign_out
              changes the user auth token
              returns status code 200
          should validate that :email is case-insensitively unique
          should validate that :name cannot be empty/falsy
          should validate that :password_confirmation matches :password
          should have many serie dependent => destroy
          should validate that :email cannot be empty/falsy
          should allow :email to be ‹"example@email.com"›
          should respond to #user_id
          should respond to #imdb
          should respond to #serie_type
          should belong to user
          should respond to #last_episode
          should validate that :imdb cannot be empty/falsy
          should respond to #my_rating