
Get your tweets before twitter dies (images/media not included)

Primary LanguagePython


  • Python 3.9+
  • Pipenv

This application uses tweepy. Tweepy Docs.


  • Run pipenv install

Add a .env file in the root of the application and fill in the required missing elements from your own Twitter application.

Twitter application registration


Where TW_USERNAME is the twitter username (without the @ symbol in front) you want to receive.

Running the application

  • After all installs run pipenv run python app.py
  • Check the root for the newly created alltweets.json file which contains all your tweets

Improvement ideas

  • Download media (images etc)
  • Replace t.co URLs with full expanded URLs
  • Create a sample HTML website from tweets
    • Put each tweet in it's own folder/directory named after the tweet id number
    • Create an index page to browse the tweets
  • Consider combining with Hugo to create a full static site of tweet backups