Goal: Help heat pump survey teams pick the right heat pump size for a given house. This app would help calculate how many BTUs/hr a house needs in its particular geographical location. Eventually, the tool should store the data for each home to analyze general trends.

Users: Teams like the Heatsmart Alliance coaches via the sibling project.

Current method: Excel spreadsheets with formulas that make the calculations. The current spreadsheet inputs include things like historic energy usage, current house thermostat settings, and yearly weather in the house's zipcode. See this Slack message to download a Zip file of that original Excel, or make a request for a copy from HeatSmart at this link.


UI/UX and/or Design

This team will work with the other teams to match the interface and necessary research together.


This team will plan and build the user interface. React and Remix in Epic Stack. Uses Pyodide to run python code on frontend. It will also get information from the weather station API that the rules engine can use for its calculations. In the future, it may work on permissions and persistence of household data.

Rules Engine

This team will help convert or read the existing spreadsheet logic into something the app can act upon. Uses numpy and Python: likely to run in-browser rather than on backend.


This team will determine the best way to allow users to store their past cases with the households they visit. Likely to use SQLite and Prisma in Epic Stack.