Snap Out Of It!

The app to help you get through a breakup, or any kind of heartbreak. This MERN-stack app provides user action steps to address how hard and overwhelming heartbreak can feel, and to help users in all stages of grief navigate towards empathy and healing. This app was created in one week during General Assembly's Software Engineering Intensive Fellowship as a group React project.

Getting Started

Deploy the app:

Trello board:


Log-in Page


Home Page


Mantra Page (Component Example)


Users Can Use This App To:

Sign in and out to have full-CRUD access to lists, quotes, games, and other types of content, ranging from snarky and upbeat to more serious and empathetic, depending on the user's mood and needs at any given time.

Technologies Used

  • Whimsical
  • Quotes API
  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDD
  • Mongoose
  • Trello
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Postman
  • GitHub
  • Git
  • Google Fonts
  • Pinterest
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Google Chrome DevTools (and, like, just Google)
  • React Developer Tools
  • Bootstap
  • Flaticon
  • Coffee

Next Steps (Icebox)

  • Chat Room
  • YouTube videos
  • Animations
  • Sounds
  • User Profile Page
  • Dark Mode
  • gifs for quotes
  • Favorite quotes to user

The Team

Other Credits