
PEP 8, for Humans.

Primary LanguageHTML


PEP 8, for Humans.

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If you serve this locally from, the fonts will display properly. They are blocked on all domains except and pep8.org.

An easy way to do this:

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer #python2


$ python -m http.server      #python3

Syncing PEP 8 changes

pep8.org mirrors the original PEP 8 document at www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/.

Whenever the original PEP 8 at python.org gets updated we need to migrate these changes to pep8.org. This process is difficult to automate because manual style and formatting tweaks were made to the original source material to create index.html.

To migrate the latest changes from the original PEP 8 source do the following:

  • Look at the source control history for the original PEP 8 and compare it with what's live on pep8.org. (As of 2019-06 we're tracking rev 2f8f1ec.)

  • Apply the missing changes to index.html and create a pull-request to get them reviewed and live on pep8.org


Automatically deployed on Netlify on each push to master.