
An CRUD API made with Node.js and JavaScript to manage an application of talkers.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Talker Manager 🎤

🇧🇷 Português


Projeto desenvolvido durante o terceiro módulo (desenvolvimento back-end) do curso da Trybe.


Construir uma aplicação de cadastro de palestrantes em que é possível cadastrar, visualizar, pesquisar, editar e excluir informações. Para isso, foi desenvolvido uma API de um CRUD e alguns endpoints para ler e escrever em arquivos utilizando o módulo fs.

Stacks utilizadas

  • Back-end: Express, Node.js
  • Plataforma: Docker
  • Linguagem: JavaScript

Rodando localmente

  • Instale os containers docker:

npm run compose:up

  • Execute o terminal do container:

docker attach talker_manager

  • Inicialize a aplicação:

npm start



Requisição URL
POST http://localhost:3000/login


Requisição URL
GET http://localhost:3000/talker
GET http://localhost:3000/talker/search
GET http://localhost:3000/talker/:id
POST http://localhost:3000/talker
PUT http://localhost:3000/talker/:id
DELETE http://localhost:3000/talker/:id
🇺🇸 English


Project developed during the third module (back-end development) of the Trybe course.


Build a speaker registration application in which it's possible to register, view, search, edit and delete information. For this, a CRUD API and some endpoints to read and write files using the fs module were developed.


  • Back-end: Express, Node.js
  • Platform: Docker
  • Language: JavaScript

Running the application locally

  • Install the docker containers:

npm run compose:up

  • Run the container terminal:

docker attach talker_manager

  • Start the application:

npm start



Requisição URL
POST http://localhost:3000/login


Requisição URL
GET http://localhost:3000/talker
GET http://localhost:3000/talker/search
GET http://localhost:3000/talker/:id
POST http://localhost:3000/talker
PUT http://localhost:3000/talker/:id
DELETE http://localhost:3000/talker/:id