
Gant Chart in D3

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gantt chart in D3

csv file has data in it. Run on server so data can be read

This is is still a 0.1 version.


1,discovery,Stacklife,Discovery & POC,Oct-1-2019,Feb-29-2020,1,discovery,StackLife


Track: Label First Left column (duplicates are not shown) Goup: Label Second column (dupliates are not shown) Title: label in bar Line: row to show the bar Class: Reference to CSS for style settings such as color etc. Phase: not used Start/End: in format MMM-D-YYYY (Mar-1-2020)


  • make size scalable when window is resized
  • make classes lower-case
  • Axis labels show end of Quarter instead of start of Quarter.
  • Change font size according to bar size // update in layout
  • Legend with explanation of colors/classes
  • SVG doesn't support text areas with automatic text wrapping
  • remove moment.js reference if it can be done in d3
  • interaction (resize columns)
  • tooltips
  • Dependencies between (indicated with arrows)
  • Think of definitions: Track, Group
  • Add latest tick
  • zoom out/in: weeks/months/Q's
  • New views:
    • progress view (shows if certain item is on or ahead of schedule, started, not started, behind schedule)
    • Show progress in bars
  • move/change/add/delete data in browser, save back the csv

git repository
