Finds apartments on craiglist
positional arguments:
CRAIGSLIST_SITE Craigslist site to search on (e.g. Columbus)
LIMIT Max number of apartments to return
CATEGORY Category to search in (e.g. 'apa' for apartments)
MAX_PRICE Maximum tolerable price
MIN_PRICE Minimum tolerable price
CENTER_ONE_LAT Latitude of first location to be referenced for distance
CENTER_ONE_LONG Longitude of first location to be referenced for distance
CENTER_TWO_LAT Latitude of second location to be referenced for distance
CENTER_TWO_LONG Longitude of second location to be referenced for distance
python3 columbus 1000 apa 1500 500 40.140393 -82.99645 39.968066 -83.005278
Finds apartments in Columbus, limited to a thousand, with a max price of 500 and a min price of 1500, returning the distance from JPMorgan Chase in Polaris (40..., -82...) and the center of Columbus (39..., -83...)