Web app that decodes strings of text to seven segment display binary and hexadecimal.
Enter some text or numbers and get hex and binary that can be written to a seven segment display.
WEB app is now live at https://erikdahl.ca/apps/sevenseg/decoder
Example Usage:
Text: "IGEN"
Mode: "Common Anode" (Common Cathode will compliment the binary string and give different HEX values)
I => Binary: 1001111, Hex: 4FH
G => Binary: 1000010, Hex: 42H
E => Binary: 0000110, Hex: 6H
N => Binary: 0101011, Hex: 2BH
Things to note: Not all letters and symbols can be represented on a 7 seg display! If a letter cannot be represented it will try the best it can or turn return the value that turns off the display. For example 'k' or 'K' cannot be represented on a seven segment display and will turn display off.